"In emerging economies with large and growing current account surpluses, especially China, it is desirable that their effective exchange rates move so that necessary adjustments can occur, " the finance chiefs said.
It is my opinion that it is desirable and even imperative that great leaders not only manage their companies for the long term, but are also willing to share the ownership of their companies with their employees and staff.
FORBES: Why Leaders Should Share Ownership of Their Companies
Worse, she sets an expectation through the behavior she models at the top that it is desirable and perhaps even expected that women not be away very long after the birth of a child.
FORBES: Lean In, Trickle Down: The False Promise of Sheryl Sandberg's Theory of Change
Is it desirable that the President of the United States should believe in God?
Graeme Reid, the council's inner-city manager, argues that it is neither feasible nor desirable for the area to go back to what it was, but that a new, vibrant, multi-ethnic city is evolving.
After the defeat, the administration embraced former secretary of state James Baker's foreign policy paradigm, which is based on the belief that it is possible and desirable to reach a stable balance of power in the Middle East.
It is imperative, and also desirable, that we too contribute to the promotion of justice and virtue.
Yet another problem the lipid biologists have is with the amount of long-chain omega-3s that the EFSA has recommended it is desirable to consume.
ECONOMIST: The way health claims about food are regulated is changing
Clearly, however, it seems Gorham is unfamiliar with the great American hipster, for it is those very reasons that make the lobster case desirable.
"While it is laudable and desirable to have a Supreme Court that reflects a diversity of views and backgrounds, Justices must check these at the Supreme Court door, " Raquel Rodriguez, a Miami attorney who was general counsel to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, said in a prepared statement.
The idea that it is possible, let alone desirable, to allow multiple citizenship is relatively recent.
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) believes it is more likely that companies will produce clones with "desirable" traits, breed them, and bring products from the offspring into the food chain.
" They chastised it because most of its indicators "presume that lessening regulation is always desirable.
But I also know this: The belief that peace is desirable is rarely enough to achieve it.
That may mean recognizing that while removing the government backstop is philosophically desirable, it may not be practically possible in a modern economy.
Imagine you would not constantly judge whether something is bad or good, desirable or non-desirable but simply acknowledge the situation, accept it as it is and recognize that everyone is doing what they think is the right thing at the time.
That may or may not be a desirable situation, but it is the legal system we have.
FORBES: Judge Grudgingly Lets Donziger's Lawyers Out Of Chevron Case
Worse, Mr Blair suffers from acute manifestoitis: a belief that if something was in Labour's election manifesto it is ipso facto desirable.
That may be, but it is not likely, and it is certainly not desirable.
Unfortunately, it is much more likely that the FS-X arrangement will be cited as a precedent in a less desirable way.
But there's a less desirable side to this new boom: It is fueled by the same kind of government super-subsidy for housing that drove the boom and bust a decade ago.