It is especially important to mention the state union of Serbia and Montenegro.
It is especially important to anyone with oddly shaped feet or toes.
But the fact that the rate is so high here in the UK means it is especially important that parents know the symptoms.
In these challenging economic times, it is especially important to demonstrate results and to ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent as efficiently as possible.
Mapping Your Path from Chaos to Career, says it is especially important for job seekers in a field related to computers, technology, social media, or communications.
FORBES: Why Every Job Seeker Should Have a Personal Website, And What It Should Include
It is especially important in enclosed settings where disease droplets can easily spread to passengers sitting in close quarters, especially infants and children and those with special health care needs.
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In the face of the enormous loss of life and threat to everyone's sense of security, it is especially important to recognize that strong feelings need not defeat us but become the inspiration for moving ahead together, recovering, and supporting all of our citizens in the wake of what is a family and national tragedy.
Excess belly fat seems to be particularly harmful, most likely because of its effects on inflammation and its association with elevated insulin levels, so if you tend to be more "apple shaped" and carry extra weight in your belly, it is especially important to lose weight, exercise regularly, and limit refined grains, sugar sweetened beverages, and added sugar in your diet.
The complexities involved in standing up a no-fly zone that have been spelled out by Secretary Gates and others remain, and also it remains true that any action you take, especially a military action, it is very important that you are very clear about what it entails and what your goals are and whether those goals are achievable through that means.
This is especially important when it comes to conversations about the commercial value of adeal.
"What's especially important about it is how it encourages people out of their armchairs to enjoy wildlife firsthand, " he said.
This is especially important when it comes to private companies that deal with the national infrastructure -- the electric grid and other types of infrastructure that is vital in this country.
This is especially important when it comes to the supply chain, because in an ideal world as soon as a product is taken off the shelves and paid for, a new one is instantly manufactured or shipped to replace it.
BBC: How 'point of sale' became much more than a fancy calculator
The latter criterion is especially important: It makes no sense to have a repeat of last winter's food aid fiasco in which, for example, 20, 000 containers and 300 freight cars filled with food were discovered spoiling weeks after they had arrived in a Moscow rail yard.
"It is important for all people, especially children, to see that the medium of graffiti can be used in beautifully creative and legal ways, " he said.
International trade is important under any circumstances, but it is especially critical when domestic demand is weak.
And, it is important that, for the Super Bowl audience especially, the ads are tested against all demographic groups, not just the target demo.
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The bill is especially important to lawmakers in Congress because it allows them to have a degree of control in operations at the Pentagon by authorising spending levels.
Completing the packet correctly is very important, especially the budget, because it will determine the type of modification you may receive if your packet is approved.
WHITEHOUSE: Homeowning 101: Lessons to Stay Afloat from NeighborWorks Waco | The White House
But it is also important to note that certain classes of workers have faced especially large negative effects from economic changes.
For manufacturers, that message is especially important during an inquiry or a recall as it can maximize consumer confidence in every brand the company still has on the market.
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It is important to focus on the business issues of today, especially in the current economic climate, but having the foresight to look ahead and prepare for the future will have a significant impact on your success.
Mandatory vaccination of health care workers is especially important in an emerging pandemic, which though it is still relatively mild, has shown the capability of causing severe illness and death, and can also get worse as it continues to spread.
It's also important to learn about customs -- and this is especially important for women -- to avoid sending the wrong signals.
"I think it's very important that that data be obtained, especially because this is an activity that society in general seems very much interested in doing, " Cantu says.
It is a long ways from the NBA, where workout habits and training regimens are especially important.
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"It is important for Europe, and to exercise whatever initiatives are possible and necessary, especially for the economy and jobs, the government remains under the authoritative leadership of Mario Monti until a new government is formed, " Napolitano said in a written statement.
As the Obama administration begins to staff up, it is especially disquieting to see how many of the figures named in this paper are being tapped for important jobs where they will deal directly with Iran and other critical Middle East issues.
In a fast-moving world where technological innovation has brought new developments in e-books and online access to contents of books, UNESCO Secretary General Irina Bokova has maintained that in celebrating World Book Day, it is important to remember that there can be no book development without consideration for copyright, especially when digitization further exposes books to risks of illicit use.
"It is vitally important for policymakers to understand the reasons for the very high cost of motor insurance, especially for young drivers and to take steps to bring that cost down, " she added.