's mighty pen, whose victories over the thousand swords that have leaped from their scabbards against him and his work it is our great honor to honor today.
On the 10th anniversary of the Columbia accident, it is our responsibility to honor the legacy of the Columbia crew by continuing the journey.
This is an important principle of our jurisprudence, and I suggest that it is one that this body must honor.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
It is my privilege to present you with our country's highest honor -- the Medal of Distinction.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Peres of Israel Speak at State Dinner | The White House
In so doing we also honor their families, who remind us that it is our extraordinary military families who also bear the heavy burden of war.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Awards Medal of Honor to Korean War Heroes
It is the right place to honor a man who so faithfully defended our freedom, and so successfully helped extend the blessings of liberty to millions around the world.
It is a great privilege and an honor to have the first meeting with you after our telephone conversation, and to hear directly from you your vision about world affairs, and, in particular, the economic cooperation and the common challenges that the U.S. and the European Union and, within it, Italy, have to tackle.
For all of his distinguished service to our country and that of his proud family, it is a genuine privilege for us to honor William J.
It is great indeed an honor to have such a respected thought leader to be the first voice in our new book.
Even if President Obama actually meant it when he said "we have Israel's back, " he is greatly reducing our ability to honor that commitment.
We believe in public service, and Mr. President, we want to thank you and the First Lady for your service to our country. (Applause.) For you and for us, it is an honor and privilege to serve the citizens of this great country.
And it is my fervent prayer that we may honor the memory of the fallen by living out those ideals every day of our lives, in the military and beyond.
And that is why it is such a pleasure to honor you all here today -- for the work that you do, for inspiring our kids, for keeping their promise alive, loving them, supporting them.