Well, it is quite clear that you all seem pretty fired up. (Applause.) And ready to go.
Mitchell also said it is quite clear that the economic pressure from sanctions was a major factor in bringing about peace.
For starters, it is quite clear that investors continue to enjoy what most see as a cyclical bull market that began on March 9, 2009.
"It is quite clear that without the amendment there will be substantial sums of Council Tax, very small figures individually, that councils will have to collect from a large number of pretty vulnerable households, " he said.
It is quite clear to me that the best way to improve perceptions (and frankly show off) our people, way of life and ways of doing business is person-to-person.
In the looking glass world of current U.S. foreign policy, the received wisdom is that Iran might have bombs tomorrow, and was working toward them yesterday--but in the eternal sunshine of the present moment, it is never quite clear to the White House that Iran is actually building the bomb.
But it's quite clear that Obama is going to finish in a strong first place.
"It's quite clear that this is a late English period Van Dyck, " he said.
Talking to Xu, it's clear that he is not quite a superstar yet.
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The government has made it quite clear that its target is to keep consumer (CPI) inflation capped at 3% this year.
Whether we're tackling the Green agenda and leading the world on that, or whether we're looking at our - rebalancing our foreign policy: I want to see new policies debated throughout the Party, the grass-roots listened to, and that's why as a Deputy Leader candidate I'm gathering more support, it's quite clear that this is going to be a very, very close race.
Harvard Medical School's David Altshuler says he is "quite worried" that companies will rush to offer gene tests before it is clear what can be done for people who get worrisome results.
It seems quite clear that Ms. Upton is headed for supermodel status at the ripe old age of 20.
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The GMC has made it quite clear to doctors that this is unacceptable and that patients must be clear what they are consenting to and why.
"The minister has made it quite clear in his announcement that it is his opinion that Belfast is the priority for investment and development in Northern Ireland, at the expense of all other areas, " he said.
I'm in no way comparing the downtown wedding of two females to any of these events (even though some of you made it quite clear that you think gay marriage is much worse), I'm just saying that whether you liked the story or not, the first known gay wedding to take place in Jones County is still historic.
Whether or not she is sure of that, Merkel has made it quite clear that Hollande cannot scrap the fiscal pact.
"After several weeks of playtime, it's quite clear to me that the Xbox is far and away the best game system on the market now, and best game system that has ever been, " declared Steve, a musician and recent college graduate.
It's quite clear that what he's going for is the coat-tails of Tony Blair or Mo Mowlam, that's followership, it's not leadership.
But the importance of the NHS to the British people is quite clear: it is part of their history and rightfully played center stage that evening.
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None of this of course is to criticise social services - they have made it quite clear for some time that their resources are stretched too thinly to support the many frail or confused older people who wish to remain in their own homes.
"However, the announcement today makes quite clear that 'retirement will not constitute unfair dismissal if it is on or after 65', so older people can in fact be dismissed in a way younger people cannot, " Mr Willetts said.
Second, and as it pertains to the timing of the contract, it is my sense that the 2 main reasons for the timing of this resolution are quite clear.
That we have promised retaliation for decades and then always drawn back, hoping that we could get through if we simply did not provoke the enemy, is appeasement, and it must be quite clear by now even to those who perpetually appease that appeasement simply does not work.
"It's quite clear that even with a New Democracy government in place, Athens is still going to have a very tough time living up to some pretty tight and strict ... (conditions) placed upon them by their external creditors, " Kurtz said.
"It's quite clear now that anything you try and get over a million people to is going to get lawyered out of existence, " he said.
Now, the cause of those rumblings is quite clear: a touchscreen model that bundles mobile successes with full camera functionality -- it wasn't a smartphone to replace your point-and-shoot, but a powerful hybrid compact that capitalizes on each segment's strengths in an attempt to return cameras to relevancy, and perhaps even bring them into the spotlight.
In the meantime, it is not quite clear who will actually use the library except, perhaps, local researchers using its computer systems to access works that are held elsewhere.