That could be because it is said to be happening in, of all places, Delaware.
It is said that the oyster was so small he almost left it unopened.
But the ancient Egyptians would also, it is said, ritually bury redheaded men alive.
It is said that the first people to inhabit Meteora arrived in the 9th Century.
It is said that the Kaiser himself ordered the construction to further his imperial ambitions.
It is said to be moving aggressively towards the vessel and comes within 450m.
It is said to be the first piracy trial in the US in decades.
It is said that government workers now make, on average, 30% more than private sector workers.
The Citi-Deutsche deal fell, it is said, because it was likely to run into political opposition.
It is said to set up more than 10, 000 BVI firms a year for Asian clients.
It is said that the love of money is the root of all evil.
FORBES: What Drives The Best Entrepreneurs? Hint: It's Not Money
On Wall Street it is said that pigs get fat but hogs get slaughtered.
The Spanish taxpayer picked up a tab for security that cost, it is said, euro120, 000.
They had nothing to show except, it is said, a few forged green cards.
It is said that there are more Malawian nurses in Manchester than back home.
She gave the names of two of the people under investigation during the conversation, it is said.
It was Mr Fukuda, it is said, who brokered the recent diplomatic reconciliation with China, for instance.
It is said that justice must not only be done but also be seen to be done.
It is said that the American winter holiday seasons begins at Thanksgiving and ends with Super Bowl Sunday.
Emotionally, it is said, Mr Cameron and Mr Osborne would prefer a looser union based on free trade.
Privately, it is said, Mr Jospin still hopes that a deficit of around 3.3% this year will do.
Europe depends on America's GPS system, it is said, so the Americans could veto an EU military mission.
He has flown for treatment abroad (to Acapulco, it is said) rather than face prosecutors' questions in Russia.
It is said that only about 10 to 20 percent of them can be absorbed into Iraq's security forces.
It is said a third of the world's population now uses the internet.
With the recession predicted to technically end soon, unemployment, it is said, will continue to climb for some time.
Such a purchase is done with a classic Graham and Dodd, value investing, margin of safety it is said.
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The first is the tendency to see economic stagnation or decline everywhere, which, it is said, will only worsen.
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But he abstained on the resolution authorising force in Libya (having originally wanted to vote no, it is said).
ECONOMIST: The liberal party touches new depths. Time for a new leader?
It is said to contain an apology to aborigines for past injustices and an acceptance by them of it.