It is said that the oyster was so small he almost left it unopened.
It is said that the first people to inhabit Meteora arrived in the 9th Century.
It is said that the Kaiser himself ordered the construction to further his imperial ambitions.
It is said that government workers now make, on average, 30% more than private sector workers.
It is said that the love of money is the root of all evil.
FORBES: What Drives The Best Entrepreneurs? Hint: It's Not Money
On Wall Street it is said that pigs get fat but hogs get slaughtered.
It is said that there are more Malawian nurses in Manchester than back home.
It is said that justice must not only be done but also be seen to be done.
It is said that the American winter holiday seasons begins at Thanksgiving and ends with Super Bowl Sunday.
It is said that only about 10 to 20 percent of them can be absorbed into Iraq's security forces.
It is said that these are just as 2000-unaware as their big brothers.
It is said that audiences today are too sophisticated, but that evolutionary assumption holds less water than Stan Laurel's trousers.
In the CDS contracts it is said that a credit event is what the contract says a credit event is.
BRITAIN'S Gordon Brown is not the only finance minister of whom it is said that prudence is his middle name.
It is said that two European central banks were worried enough to have requested information from the Bank of Italy.
It is said that 80, 000 Irish souls were lost in the Atlantic, victims of long hunger, of fever and of destitution.
It is said that his fear of being entombed alive was so great that his mausoleum was rigged with a buzzer.
It is said that he would have the blinds of his carriage shut so he did not have to look at Carbisdale.
BBC: Sutherland's 'Castle of Spite' hostel may close for good
It is said that if something is unsustainable then it will stop.
"It is said that IMF macro-economic conditions are too strict, " he said.
Indeed, it is said that Mr Donald was in Mr Schultz's office twice a day to check he was doing the right thing.
It is said that no two Ross Noble shows are the same, and on the basis of this evening it would certainly appear so.
It is said that no-one in the city goes to bed hungry, and this is one of the reasons why there are so many beggars.
When he arrived at the famous old stadium it is said that he was greeted by his new secretary, who had served faithfully under Howe.
It is said that Ms. Market can and will do whatever it takes in order to make the largest number of people possible look foolish.
It is said that the parrot is, unusually, not very talkative.
It is said that they entered the offices without permission, handcuffed and chained themselves to the desks and attached themselves to each other with a plastic pipe.
It is said that ghosts inhabit the site of the Borden murders in Fall River, Massachusetts, named by the Travel Channel as the scariest place on earth.
FORBES: Austerity Does A Lizzie Borden Number On The Recovery
It is said that Ali believed that Smith was the only man capable of playing the part and on this evidence, the former champion is no mug.