There is a lot more in this extensive report and much of it is worth considering.
Also, it is worth considering that anecdotal evidence suggests black officers seldom victimise other blacks or Latinos.
For technology entrepreneurs naming their creations it is worth considering how they could be perceived by potential acquirers.
If one is available through your employer, they say, it is worth considering as part of your nest egg.
Because their searches seem to have been very productive, it is worth considering them in connection with your own e-mail practices.
Because Mr Basu's idea should make this easier, it is worth considering.
We think it is worth considering that excluding this recession, the last time eBay traded for this price level was more than seven years ago.
Therefore it is worth considering why such a war is all but certain and what southern Sudanese independence means for the region and the world.
Well maybe it is worth considering what he recommended to them.
It is worth considering whether the loophole should be changed.
Now, Mozy does provide a paid for service for both home and professional users and if you have a lot to back-up it is worth considering the fairly inexpensive monthly fee.
Doing this on every flight would of course be prohibitive, but it is worth considering whether we are doing enough to provide flights enough marshals as a last line of defense.
Indeed, their inability to accomplish the ends he claims he has adopted them to advance is so obvious, that it is worth considering what his actual rationale for adopting them may be.
To understand what possesses the international community - that is, the US and the EU - to act in this way it is worth considering the EU's moves regarding Israel and the Palestinians this past week.
But it is worth considering that if anti-nuclear campaigners were to succeed in their quest, they would undoubtedly usher about a world that burns more fossil fuels, where more people die every day from our energy system, and where we bequeath climatic chaos for future generations.
FORBES: The 'No Nukes' Concert And The Fallacy Of Opposing Nuclear Power
If you are in good health, it is worth considering that most insurance companies have health plan options that allow you to pay lower monthly premiums if you agree to pay more out-of-pocket expenses, such as a yearly deductible and co-insurance for services and prescription medications.
However, the paper's public editor has said it is "worth considering whether he is the right person for the job".
But there is a method to Dent's madness, and it is one worth considering.
It is at least worth considering the possibility that Soros could be right and that gold has had the best of its run.
If innovation is important to your business (of course it is) then perhaps a similar approach is worth considering.
It is also worth pointing out that Australia is successfully multi-ethnic and, considering the massive population changes that have overtaken the country over the past 60 years, the backlash has been relatively mild.
If you have or are considering opening these types of accounts, it is worth looking into an administrator that permits self-direction.
But if you're the kind of person who tends to treat notebook PCs like a sack of dirty laundry and has repair bills to prove it, then perhaps one of these beefed-up babies is worth considering.
But it is enough, Dr Chen reckons, for the process to be worth considering for mass production.
And if one plan is much more costly, it must be expected to produce a much better outcome to be worth considering.
FORBES: White House Says Costs Will Not Factor Into Afghanistan Drawdown Decision--Really????