When it is your turn to talk, you look straight into the camera lens and let fly.
You have to realize how hard it is to turn your back on revenue today for the promise of revenue tomorrow.
It is an application which will turn your photographs into a 3D experience.
Update: Turns out one simple line of code is all it takes to turn your SimCity into an offline game.
It is equal parts exhilarating and terrifying because, ultimately, your goal is to turn that idea into something tangible, something that exists.
FORBES: What Happens When You Build An App With An Advertiser Looking Over Your Shoulder
In other words, it's something to turn on to divert your infant for a few moments, but it is not intended as a replacement child-minder.
If this is your hobby, you can turn it into a business by snapping up bargain items and reselling them.
Your engine is so full of regulatory sludge that it will barely turn over.
FORBES: Economics Are The Faulty "Mechanics" Of The Presidential Race
Bear in mind that mere deferral of a tax bill (as opposed to elimination of it) is worth only so much, and that this scheme would turn your favorably taxed capital gains and dividends into highly taxed ordinary income.
Now that is important and it isn't just politicians who make that difficult, if I may be so bold, it's also your profession because if a politician says perhaps that's wrong we'll do it slightly differently, your attitude is this is a major and embarrassing u-turn, not actually a sensible modification.
The concept of taking a finished game and hacking it to bits in order to milk more cash out of it does make you want to bang your head against a wall, and is a horribly greedy turn the industry has taken in recent years.
Like I said, there are days in which -- my guess is it will happen again this week -- where you pick up that newspaper or you turn on your computer at 4:30 a.m. in the morning while your coffee is still brewing and you groan and, oh, God, what -- you know, great, this is going -- and then you get on your BlackBerry.
But there is another choice: Embrace the complexity, ambiguity, and intensity of the integration period and turn it into your own leadership development academy .
FORBES: Take Advantage of Merger Integration -- Before it Takes Advantage of You