They're just experienced at these sort of games and it just wasn't our day.
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"Given what we can invest for around the world, it just wasn't competitive, " Raymond says.
It just wasn't a part of my life until it had to become my life or else.
We had to hustle and scrap, which we did, but in the end it just wasn't enough.
"It wasn't over the middle of the plate, it just wasn't a great sequence for me, " Pettitte said.
People wanted their money back and it just wasn't there to be returned.
We were good at keeping the ball in the Six Nations but against South Africa it just wasn't there for us.
"Geoff played incredibly well and I needed to get birdies but it just wasn't enough in the end, " McIlroy told Press Association.
Staying in bed until 10:00, it just wasn't an option for me.
"I tried to do my best, and it just wasn't enough today, " said the 21-year-old, who beat Serena Williams in the last 16.
By that point, "it just wasn't institutionally condoned, " he said.
It wasn't until Pejic was around the age of 8 or 9 that he recalls receiving the message that it just wasn't acceptable to exhibit these behaviors anymore, "because there was a fine line between how women behave and how men behave, " he says.
They had many hints that this was going on, but in the end, it just wasn't able to communicate that, to analyze it in such a way, to put it together, so that the Homeland Security apparatus or the law enforcement apparatus was able to actually interdict the person before he got on the plane.
It obviously just wasn't meant to be.
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While no specifics were given, Sather made it clear that it wasn't just one thing or particular incident that led to the somewhat unexpected dismissal.
It doesn't mean he was bad, it just means he wasn't quite elite enough.
But during the course of his speech, it became apparent that it wasn't just their desire to show solidarity that made them stand and applaud so many times.
It was delivered not just to us, it was delivered to, I would say, 15 to 20 organizations, so it wasn't just us.
The nurse said it was a dead baby that had just arrived, but it wasn't dead, and Dr. Edenburg quickly started CPR on the tiny, emaciated body.
It's unclear how the technology is being implemented, but we were promised it wasn't just video tricks and was indeed a video of a lab demo.
ENGADGET: Microsoft and Samsung demo Illumiroom display, fills room with images (video)
It wasn't a time for satisfying the politics of the moment, it wasn't time for just playing to the cameras -- it was time for doing what was right.
In the end it wasn't just the right decision, it was the only one.
But it wasn't just a case of running a model of each cellular process.
ENGADGET: Scientists create first computer simulation of a complete organism
But it wasn't just the weather that tested the filmmakers' skill, patience and stamina.
But it wasn't just that others said it can't get done by Indians or in India.