Whenever the upturn comes, it seems certain that future growth will be less spectacular.
It seems certain that the prime minister wants the purchase to go through.
Even without that, it seems certain that there will be many more fraud scandals before health care is cured of its vices.
It seems certain that the Federal Reserve will continue to accompany fiscal stimulus with the monetary equivalent in the form of near-zero interest rates and further quantitative easing.
Trapattoni has had his squad settled for a while and it seems certain that 27-year-old Montella has done enough to force himself onto the plane to the Far East.
It seems certain that Apple will eventually offer up an iDog, or its very own Edsel, and momentum investors can be counted on to jump ship at that point.
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As the Marines begin to operate these aircraft, moreover, it seems certain that the demand for planes with the inherent flexibility, speed, survivability and cost-effectiveness of the V-22 will only grow.
Whatever the man pictured in the photo is doing, it seems certain that what he is doing to us in implanting a desire, for those of us who have yet to visit Brazil, to take a trip at the next opportunity.
It seems nearly certain that through a combination of cost cutting and rising sales, it will be able to deliver consistent double-digit earnings growth.
It seems almost certain that the Afghan Taliban intervened in the dispute, anxious to avoid further damage to the TTP.
And it seems almost certain that the former European Union commissioner, Mario Monti, will be asked to form a new administration.
Yet it now seems certain that Victor Yushchenko, the opposition candidate, will be declared the winner of Ukraine's 2004 presidential election.
But in a strange twist, it seems almost certain that Mr Milosevic - who is himself standing trial in The Hague - will be elected to the parliament.
She quit the company two years later and now has her own U.K.-based production company. (Just last week, her brother Lachlan Murdoch , his father's more recent heir apparent, followed suit, quitting News Corp.) Still, it seems fairly certain that these women are making their wealthy fathers proud.
Now that the rating agencies are downgrading CDOs as well as the underlying mortgage-backed bonds that they reference, it seems all but certain that banks and others will be forced into another round of markdowns.
Afghans have no experience of choosing their leader, and their choice is in no real doubt: it seems all but certain that the incumbent Mr Karzai will win the mandate he wants, though perhaps not until a run-off poll in November.
As the international diplomacy continues, it is seems ever more certain that a diplomatic solution may partly depend on who gets the billions of dollars worth of business in Iraq once sanctions are lifted.
Though there is room to walk round it, the piece is so strong that it seems to divide the room in two so that the viewer is never certain what is happening on the other side.
But it seems that Hollywood retains a certain squeamishness about antitrust matters.
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It remains to be seen how that Motorola performs in real life, but it seems certain Apple has not staked out new ground on battery life here.
It seems like something that might occur to radical feminists and admittedly does have a certain logic to it.
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So while it is not certain that the Dutch team had created a deadly human strain of bird flu, it seems to be a real possibility.
In part this reflects the weaknesses that lie alongside the charismatic skills paraded by Mr Obama in Denver this week: his inexperience, especially in foreign affairs, at a time when the world looks more and more complex and troubling, and a certain cerebral aloofness that seems to make it hard for him to connect with Middle America.
And that impression, it seems, is still a certain vote-loser.
But that is where people start, and as it turns out that seems to work pretty well up to a certain point, from little changes up to kind of small-plus to medium-minus, if you will.
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He seems certain about what he has seen, and that it wasn't human.
Yet Apple, in the Samsung cases, seems to be saying that there are certain patents that it would never license.
FORBES: Links 17 Nov: Does Apple's HTC Patents Settlement Doom The Samsung Case?
What seems certain is that something very powerful must have driven it.
Yet it seems that there are few real cost synergies once banks reach a certain relatively modest size.
Nokia also seems certain to face a level of competition that goes beyond anything it has previously experienced.