While it used to be hard to find people who knew how to program GPUs, now universities are teaching GPU programming.
It used to be hard to get the Vietnamese government to comment on anything of more than parochial concern, but now it has become an enthusiastic issuer of statements on world affairs, especially since joining the Security Council.
"It used to be very hard to find enough grazing land here in Greenland because grass just didn't grow here, " Frederiksen said while inspecting the new lambs.
It used to be if you were willing to work hard, you could go to a factory and you might be able to get a job that lasts 20 years, provide good benefits, provide decent salary.
The trading area used to be so crowded that it was hard to even get in and out of the pit, especially on big days such as when the monthly U.S. jobs report came out.
FORBES: MF Global's Kevin Grady: 'The Key Is Managing Your Risk'
It could be used to install objects in hard-to-reach places such as underground water pipes, he suggested.
It may be hard to remember, but Republicans used to be an idea machine.
Though it can be hard to remember, the keyboard used to be a standard feature on smartphones, before the iPhone wiped our minds with its vision of touch-screen Utopia.
It can be used to connect a 1080p monitor, or an external hard drive.
FORBES: A Turker's Take On Where Apple And Intel Are Going With Thunderbolt
It is hard to believe that the countries that used to be thought of as tigers have become cats.
Parents expect that united front, she says, even though it may be a little hard for them to get used to at first.
WSJ: Getting Along With the Original Other Woman��Your Mother-in-Law
While the techniques used by hackers could be hard for non-IT professionals to detect, the best defenses against data loss are surprisingly common sense.
It would be used to buy back debt, and as a cushion in hard times.
Dr Helen Lee, who led the research, told BBC News Online the new test could be used in the developing world, where people may find it hard to access healthcare, and in developed countries, where up to half those tested do not come back for their results.
Once people get used to the simplicity and (opinionated) power of the Mailbox interface, it will be hard to go back.
FORBES: Mailbox App Revolutionizes Gmail Productivity, Will Google (Or Apple) Buy It?
"Wealth-management products we issued used to be snapped out before the sales deadline, but now we find it hard to sell them all, " the manager said.
FlashLinq-enabled televisions, laptops, in-car infotainment systems, etc. could all be used to create a discoverable network of interactive goodness, but of course, it's hard to say how much success Qualcomm will have in a world already loaded down with connectivity options.
ENGADGET: Qualcomm's FlashLinq long-range peer-to-peer communications tech demoed at MWC (video)
"It's hard for me to swallow, but the box isn't as important as it used to be, " says Mark Hudson, an HP sales manager.
At the time, it was explained internally that the plane would be used for sales people to close deals or travel to state capitals that were hard to reach.
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