Study leader Dr Mark Hamer said they were trying to explain why obese heart patients seemed to do better by looking at lifestyle factors, but they found that it was not the case that obese patients were healthier.
The Scottish Government said it was an isolated case and the virus was not circulating between susceptible animals as vector activity was low at this time of year and in the current temperatures.
That was not the case last year and it may not be the case next year.
The reasoning will be that Dowd believed it was not necessary as the prosecution did not prove its case.
The commissioner said the organisation was "concerned that lack of resources and time limits could have the effect of undermining confidence in the inquiry" and it wanted to ensure this was not the case.
BBC: Smithwick tribunal deadline - victims group 'concerned'
Mr Leckey told the Spence family that the conclusion of an inquest could often bring closure for relatives, but because the enormity of the tragedy he said he did not think it was the case here.
However, he insisted that his form was not poor - it was just a case of the errors he did make being punished in a way they were not previously.
"It was the claimants' case that not all of the 20 died on the battlefield and that at least one of them was murdered by a British soldier after he had been returned alive to CAN, " Mr Acton Davis said.
While it was nice to write off some of the expense, it was not nice to discuss lay-offs and worst case scenarios the day of my birthday.
He stressed that it was not political point scoring but if the case was made with all party support, their voice would be so much stronger.
She waved a letter signed by the education minister and his fellow MP Chris Bryant raising concerns over the reconfiguration proposals, as she questioned if it was still the case that the government ministers were not able to speculate on the options.
Asked on BBC News whether he was disappointed by union opposition to the academy programme and whether he thought it would hold it back, Mr Gove said this was not the case.
Frank Ferguson, senior district prosecutor for CPS East of England, said evidence not available at the time Mr Burton was charged had "undermined the prosecution case so that it could not go ahead".
People who are intersex could also have the condition and not be aware of it, as was the case of Indian athlete Santhi Soundarajan, who failed a gender test at the 2006 Asian games and was stripped of her medal.
Why was the administration for weeks after the attack blaming a YouTube video for the violence when it could have been easy to determine that that was not the case?
Scottish Conservative health spokesman Jackson Carlaw said it was "extremely disappointing" the Scottish government had continued to insist minimum pricing was legally competent when it seems not to be the case.
BBC: Europe objects to Holyrood's minimum pricing of alcohol
During the Post Election Violence in Kenya in the beginning of 2008 Njurinceke simply issued guidance to the youth of Meru to respect other human beings and not cause any mayhem as it was the case in other parts of Kenya, and the youth complied.
Subsequently, in private conversations, he admitted the real reason: It was not that he was unpersuaded of the merits of the case but was simply determined to prevent the United States from having an excuse to pursue a President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, to which he from the political Right and virtually everyone on the European Left vehemently objected.
Intel's human rights appeal is based on the allegation that it was unable to properly defend itself in the original antitrust case because the commission had not provided it with complete evidence for its charge.
Mr Barton said although it had seemed alcohol had played a part in the events of that night, it was not a case of a drunken young woman who did things when drunk that she later regretted.
BBC: Brighton footballers 'took photos during sexual assault'
He also said it was an "issue of finance" as to why tax breaks for married couples were not being introduced in the forthcoming Budget, but said it was not "a case of if, it's a case of when" they would eventually come in.
Merck won in the second case because it was decided that Vioxx was not a deciding factor in the other plaintiff's heart attack.
The solicitor advocate told Lord Doherty that it was Mr Ronald's position that the case was not, as the defenders' suggested, entirely without merit.
The prosecutor said it was not a case of dangerous driving but "very much a case of momentary loss of consciousness and concentration".
When Mr Ghaffur refused he says it was rewritten by a third party and he was not permitted any further involvement in the case.
He told the jurors the fact that the subject matter was "dry" should not detract from it's importance to the case.
Last month the Special Immigration Appeals Commission ruled it was not satisfied the preacher would be tried fairly in Jordan because the case could include evidence obtained by torturing his former co-defendants.
But the judge, California Superior Court's John Munter, decided that the case could move forward in the state court, saying it was not federally preempted as the banks had argued.