It's pretty clear to us that you heavily influenced both these outfits, but it's also clear that it wasn't what you sold them that brought them both down.
"It wasn't something you'd expect to see in real life, " said Brussels Airport spokesman Jan Van der Cruysse.
It wasn't that you couldn't find journalists questioning the official story, raising doubts about the administration's claims, and doing the hard work to determine what the truth was.
You know, why wasn't it any one of us that, you know, lived a life that wasn't pure and innocent and didn't do everything they could to take care of their mom, like he'--and--I don't know.
You say you later decided it wasn't a good idea for you to get involved in hostile takeovers.
But do you think if it wasn't for rock videos that you wouldn't have thought of doing a movie like this?
You know, I tried this music thing at one point and it wasn't the right thing--you know, it was about timing.
It wasn't clear if you could stay in the trailer during the appeal process.
And so it wasn't like, you know, we don't see each other for the last 30 years.
It wasn't easy when you respect somebody and what a good player he is or has been.
BBC: Robbie Keane set to exit Tottenham, says Harry Redknapp
Now, I understand that some of you still claim it's not working or wasn't worth it, but I also know that you've used it to close your budget gaps or break ground on new projects.
You think it wasn't an employee of the insurance company who advised you but an independent financial adviser.
It wasn't easy: Whenever you leave a story, a reporter feels enormous guilt.
The classic argument against electronic news was that it wasn't very portable -- you couldn't take it with you anywhere.
It wasn't the kind of embarrassment you can laugh off, as I could so easily when I was in high school show choir.
CNN: Robin Meade talks anxiety and her road to self-confidence
With the app you can also open the doors and change colors on the fly, in case that traffic cone orange wasn't doing it for you.
ENGADGET: Canon MREAL Mixed Reality headset hands-on (video)
Currie, you could see and hear everything, that wasn't true either, was it, as far as you knew.
Everybody will tell you that it wasn't real and it doesn't seem real now.
It wasn't given us down from, you know, the World Headquarters Building.
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Suppose it wasn't until the late 1980s that you woke up and realized Ehrlich was a boob, that he had gotten it all wrong.
And if it wasn't stressful enough, I offer you a follow up concern: My friends Emmalee and Kevin are getting married two weekends later.
It wasn't a great move, but you give him credit ... just to hold onto it and keep it and put it in the net.
"It really wasn't the sort of thing you wish to expose your children and grandchildren to in what was something that was supposed to be a pleasant event in the town, " she told BBC Wales.
BBC: Llandudno skinny dipper apologises after mayor complains
On the other hand, if you guess that the rustle in the grass is the wind but it turns out to be a hungry lion, your mistake is more serious: The lion was real but you thought it wasn't (a "false negative").