To be fair, Dean's a comedian, so maybe his partisanship is good for laughs, but it will give way to a desire for good policy to win the day -- even if the Republicans get some credit.
It will also give it a way to connect earlier with companies that will later go public, which is important as it competes with other stock exchanges.
And it will give green minded customers a way to keep score and show the world what they are doing to live up to their sustainability values.
Of course, Callaway is far from the only one making this shift -- we've seen legendary newspapers make similar moves, and as e-book stores continue to grow in prominence, it's a given that paperbacks will eventually give way to whatever's next.
ENGADGET: Nicholas Callaway shifts paper-based empire to app, prays the publishing gods approve
If Judge Samour sees it that way, Winter will be compelled to give names or go to jail.
It will also revise the way it distributes accounts to give more weight to recent performance and ensure that walk-in clients and customers of retiring brokers are distributed fairly.
We urgently need a better solution to the problem of online identity, and it should be one area where the companies involved recognise that working together will benefit them all, even if it does mean having to give way to your rivals or conform to standards that you didn't write.
BBC: Microsoft wants to change passwords for something better
Or put it another way: If you give a puppet enough rope, will he hang himself?
Give them a mission and a way to do it and they will be extremely successful.
FORBES: The Truth About Franchising for Veterans: Lots of Risk, Not Much Reward
Since Apple can't build its own Bumpers fast enough, it will give you a few options and let you decide, then send it your way for free as long as you purchased the phone before September 30th.
We will discuss wearable computers and how sensors will give you the contextual data you need as it sees the world from precisely the way you are looking at it.
It is this delicate balance which will give the next president a chance to refashion the court in a way few other presidents have had.
It is looking to develop a way to evaluate emerging growth companies using cash-flow based credit scoring that will give firms whose value lies in their intellectual property a shot at loans.