However, poor farmers frequently cannot afford to buy new seed each season, so they take their chances and replant the best of their seed from year to year in the belief that a new plant that is not quite as good as its parent is better than no plant at all.
ECONOMIST: Terminator genes
Poor mimics, though they may not do as well as a good mimic in an area where its model lives, will tend to do better in an area where the model is entirely absent, but where there is another model of the same general type.
ECONOMIST: Insects and mimicry
Even a 320kbps track worked fine and the line-out audio sounded just as good as from an ordinary PMP (not from its bundled handsfree though -- our review unit didn't come with one).
ENGADGET: LG GW300 impressions Mobile
He said the opposition supports the peace plan and the transition strategy and that it was up to the government to make good on its obligations, also as they pertain to not using chemical weapons.
NPR: US, Russia Seek To Revive Peace Plan For Syria
This is not good for Boeing as it tries to mitigate damage to the image of its high-efficiency 787 once officials clear the plane to fly.
FORBES: NTSB To Boeing - 'Stop The PR Stunts!'
There's no floor debate on health care this week, but it's still an important time as the Senate decides what is good and not so good from its perspective.
CNN: King: Remembering a defining moment of the 20th century
As a result the criticism on Microsoft's performance, good or bad, has focused mainly on its products, such as Vista, and not on its former figurehead's absence.
FORBES: Magazine Article
Not good news for its U.S. students, which comprise 35% of the student population, as the dollar has fallen sharply against the euro in the past year.
FORBES: Magazine Article