Some fear that saving the euro could wreck the wider EU and its single market.
ECONOMIST: With the euro under siege, is this the time for more Europe?
Is the EU - with its single market - part of the solution or does it reduce competitiveness?
The EU needs either more political union if it wants to keep its single market, or less economic union if it is unable to achieve political integration.
Already, the crisis is taking its toll on the single market, not least in the balkanization of the banking system which is fragmenting along national lines.
Even if Apple did not lose a single customer, its market share would still decline as Amazon increases the overall size of the market.
Kingfisher Airline has been in crisis mode for more than a year, losing vast amounts of money and seeing its market share crumble to the single digits after being closer to 20 percent of the Indian domestic airline market.
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Then the 800-pound gorilla of the coffee business, Starbucks, entered the market with its own single-serve brewer, the Verismo.
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Instead of miring itself in internal mechanics, the EU should embrace the lesson from the other, more radical, half of Mr Delors's programme the bit that focused on freeing its economy and setting up the single market.
The Euro will bolster the single market and, through its linked stability pact, constrain public spending.
The Munich company is investing heavily to bring in new models, but Rover is still losing money and its share of its home market may soon slip into single figures.
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It would prevent the completion of the single market and eventually lead to its disintegration.
And it could help Nokia make a comeback in America, where its market share is in the low single digits.
Over the past year, the Korean electronics giant weathered a radical management shakeup and watched its global market share drop further into the single digits.
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The Lib Dems say a referendum would be a distraction at a time of seismic challenges for Europe and the UK should focus on protecting its interests by pushing for reform of the single market and other issues.
The Bank of Scotland Labour Market Barometer gives the job market a single figure to indicate its strength each month.
The ten-member Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), which played host to the summit, likes to tout its own efforts to build a European-style single market of over 500m people.
ECONOMIST: Vague hopes of integration and messy bilateral squabbles
WoW's trajectory from its roots as a single player computer game, Warcraft, in 1994 to its continued domination of the online multiplayer game market since its launch in 2004 illustrates how gamers often develop deeply rooted ties with the games they love to play.
Its big reason for sticking with the EU is the single market.
But just as the American government used the constitution's interstate commerce clause to expand its powers, so the European institutions have exploited single-market rules to extend their responsibilities into such areas as social policy, welfare and the environment.
But while Apple created the modern tablet market, its dominance was not assured with a single form factor.
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Then as now, it is naive to assume that Chinese consumers will buy what you make just because it is cheap, and foolish to treat the vast country with its differences in income, climate and tastes as a single, giant market.
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"The strength of Nasdaq's brand and its pre-eminent position in the US equity market will make our single-stock futures offering a compelling choice for both retail and institutional customers in the US, as well as in Europe and beyond, " said Liffe chairman Brian Williamson.
Landsbanki, for example, had used Iceland's membership of the European Economic Area (which gives countries access to the European single market without having to join the European Union) to develop its online banking presence.
By the end of the year, News Corp plans to float its global satellite TV businesses as a single entity, Sky Global Networks, with stock market listings in London and New York.
He believes there will be opportunities for the UK to recalibrate its relationship with the EU, further protecting British interests in areas such as the single market and financial services but also potentially repatriating certain powers.
Not a single one of its 184 units has ever been rented or sold, notwithstanding a booming market for flats.
Not a single company in our portfolio generates as much cash as fast as Apple, returning its entire market value in cash in five years.
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The experts argued that the nature and the scale of women's continued marginalisation in the media, allied with the difficulty of establishing effective systems of accountability in an increasingly commercial and globalising media market place, meant that no single strategy can accomplish a great deal on its own.
Crestor still may find its niche: Milligram per milligram, it is the most powerful single-agent cholesterol pill on the market.
It is in fact taking it a step further by looking to market all these services under a single brand at a national level, instead of hedging its bets by just partnering with a carrier.