Boeing managed to get its 787s up in the air again and resumed deliveries.
While its implementation remains up in the air, SUNY aims to introduce Coursera materials this fall and over the next few years as part of its Open SUNY initiative.
McKesson's contracts with two of its biggest customers are up in the air.
So if the C919 is to be commercially viable, COMAC needs to get the plane up in the air on or close to its ambitious schedule while the market for medium-range aircraft remains hot.
While Harry Reid has moved to defend bicycle funding, its inclusion in future Congressional action is, like all else, entirely up in the air.
How Proactiv, which has made its name in the infomercial arena, will respond to this shift in coming years is still up in the air, but Renker agrees the role of social media seems on track to becoming increasingly important.
Frank Thorp, a Central Command spokesman, confirmed Monday that the United States had two officials in custody who appear on the its 55 most-wanted list of Iraq's leaders, but he left it up in the air as to whether or not more had been captured by coalition forces.
Less than a minute into the demo, the Flarecraft pitched up into the air, crashing on its side in a shower of water and plane parts.
While Russia may be up in the air, Wal-Mart confirmed its increased investment in China this past weekend.
FORBES: Wal-Mart Expanding In China, Possibly Returning To Russia
If the second foot has more speed than the first, the dancer looks like he is buoyantly moving up even as he is landing like a jet with its nose in the air as it is landing.
The wizardry in this engine is that Bentley managed to lighten up the Co2 emissions load by 15% in its engineering and physics (lighter materials and increased air flow).
Ms Holder said that because the event was free most of the revenue needed to meet its considerable up-front costs depended on getting in money from sponsorships, donations and fund-raising activities before the air show weekend.