Why did the Ivy League schools of the nineteen-twenties limit the admission of Jewish immigrants?
JPMorgan Chase, which heavily targets Ivy League schools, starts its talent search even earlier.
All parties agree Cooper is a unique place, as desirable and selective as many Ivy League schools.
Ivy league schools are for exceptional people in mind and merit and those who are accepted all exhibit those qualities.
Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor graduated with honors from Ivy League schools.
Six of the eight Ivy League schools had admission rates under 10%, as did Stanford, MIT, and a handful of very specialized schools.
Northeastern Ivy League schools still score higher, but the programs at Duke (Fuqua), University of Virginia, (Darden), and many others are gaining ground and respect.
You're the intermediary between two worlds, which isn't easy, because Ivy League schools tend to admit the blandest, most assimilated, least-ethnic minorities you can imagine.
But with the encouragement, mentoring, and responsibilities given to her by the Upward Bound staff, LaTisha applied to most Ivy League schools and got into every single one.
Search no more, here it is, an interview with Mr. Bill Schilling, University Director of Student Financial Aid at the University of Pennsylvania, (one of the eight Ivy League schools).
Obama was born in Hawaii, lived for a time as a child in Indonesia, received both his undergrad and law degrees from Ivy League schools and taught law at the equally prestigious University of Chicago.
But to meet admissions standards for Ivy League schools, Luke had to take such a heavy load of courses, advanced-placement exams and extracurricular activities that he worked seven days a week for almost two years.
Kilson's shameless anti-intellectualism on this score is shared by other writers like Hugh Pearson, a Brown University graduate who is appalled by the fact that Ivy League schools like Harvard and Penn would dare offer hip hop courses.
Columbia University is fourth on the Campus Grotto list of expensive colleges for the 2012-13 academic year, but most Ivy League schools often provide opportunities for families earning income under a certain threshold to attend for free through grants, and the benefit eliminates the need for student loans.
The "clients, " as the small business owners are called, are a different breed from what's usually found wandering the halls of Ivy League business schools.
It's the latest in a series of large investments in the university, particularly gifts that bolster its graduate offerings and entice students who might otherwise head to the Ivy League or other prestigious schools.
If you had had a meeting with any of them as a Google hiring manager before they joined the Googleplex, you would have blown away: Ivy League and other prestigious colleges and graduate schools, Rhodes Scholars, McKinsey stints, times working for Larry Summers as Chief-of-Staff in DC.
FORBES: How Do Apple and Google Think of Talent Differently?
He even went to public schools before getting his MBA in the Ivy League.
On the one hand, this change has expanded the opportunity for kids who wouldn't have had a chance to play otherwise: squash is now offered at more public schools, public clubs and non-Ivy League colleges.
Also, more Ivy League graduates go into finance roles than graduates of other schools, and employers pay a premium for them, says Peter Cappelli, a professor of management and director of the Center for Human Resources at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Although enrolment has increased at the remaining few, most of Radcliffe's sister schools have chosen to admit men or establish closer relations with their Ivy League brethren, all of which now admit women.