Three men were jailed in 2003 over the fire after a Leeds Crown Court trial.
His ex-wife Hilary Brewer, also 68, was jailed for 21 months for indecently assaulting Mrs Andrade.
Three men were jailed over the fire in Osbourne Road in Birkby in 2002.
Tocqueville's father, jailed with them, escaped only because the guillotine caught up with Robespierre first.
After being convicted of culpable homicide, he was jailed for 10 years in October 2012.
Jeffs has been jailed in either Arizona or Utah since his arrest nearly two years ago.
Davenport, 45, of central London, was jailed in September, over an "advanced fee fraud" scheme.
Mark Chamberlain-Davidson was jailed for 18 months in 2006 for the attack at Castletown Harbour.
Unlike Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a jailed tycoon, Mr Prokhorov has done well over the past decade.
ECONOMIST: Why is Russia��s third-wealthiest man entering politics?
An Iraqi general has been jailed for procuring the ADE 651 through "unauthorized" channels.
Tendai Biti, the MDC's secretary-general, has been jailed, charged with treason and denied bail.
Two senior police officers were jailed but seven other security officials were acquitted, fuelling local resentment.
Coles was jailed last month for eight years for offences from 1978 to 1984.
Stansbury, who now lives in West Parley in Dorset, was jailed for 16 months.
He has been jailed twice for assaults and is currently serving a 28-month jail term.
Keith Blenkinsop, 44, formerly of Winterhope Road, Annan, was jailed for 12 years last year.
BBC: Drugs gang ringleader Keith Blenkinsop cash confiscated
He was granted bail but warned to expect to be jailed later in the month.
At the High Court in Livingston, he was jailed for 18 months on each charge.
Around 150 poachers and their collaborators have been convicted and jailed in the last few years.
He was jailed at Birmingham Crown Court on Tuesday and disqualified from driving for three years.
If the judge orders her to reveal her sources and she refuses, she could be jailed.
If the judge orders Winter to reveal her sources and she refuses, she could be jailed.
Farrow, 48, described as a homeless drifter, was jailed for life for the killings in November.
BBC: Stephen Farrow: Dorset Police cleared over murderer texts
The youthful Harrison did not accept these burdens easily, so he had been jailed.
Hussain was found guilty of eight counts of manslaughter and jailed along with two other men.
Wendy Hughes, 49, admitted arson and was jailed for 32 months at Caernarfon Crown Court.
BBC: Judge Merfyn Hughes praise for fire rescuers at Pwllheli
He was jailed at Bristol Crown Court on 19 October after admitting Miss O'Callaghan's murder.
James Gray, 46, who lived at Spindle Farm, Amersham, was jailed for animal cruelty offences.
Mr Kibaki has promised that anyone in his government found stealing, however senior, will be jailed.