The co-chairmen of the Iraq Study Group are former Secretary of State James Baker III, a Republican, and former Indiana Rep. Lee Hamilton, a Democrat.
NPR: Report: Iraq Study Group Supports Withdrawal
"The services business is changing fast, and we've fallen on hard times, consistently missing forecasts and estimates, " says James Baker III, former U.S. secretary of state and the EDS board member who led the search for a new chief.
FORBES: A shock to the system
In 1991, Secretary of State James A. Baker III addressed Mongolia's first legislature chosen in multi-party elections, applauding the rise of democracy and promising millions of dollars in aid.
CNN: Friday,
It was only after U.S. Secretary of the Treasury James A. Baker III strongarmed the finance ministers of Germany, France, Great Britain, and Japan into a hotel room in New York and produced the Plaza Accord on September 22, 1985, launching an unprecedented global market intervention to bring down the overvalued U.S. dollar, that protectionist pressures began to subside.
FORBES: Connect