• The Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics will be housed at the university's James Clerk Maxwell Building.

    BBC: Peter Higgs: honour for physicist who proposed particle

  • James Clerk Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism, derived in the mid-19th century, predicted the existence of radio waves.

    ECONOMIST: In praise of particle physics

  • The work, which is described in the journal Nature, actually draws on observations made by several astronomical facilities, including the Keck and James Clerk Maxwell telescopes in Hawaii and the Hubble Space Telescope in orbit around the Earth.

    BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Deepest X-rays tell merger story

  • The chemical industry took off within a decade or so of Dmitri Mendeleev's arrangement of the chemical elements into the periodic table, just as radio communications followed James Clerk Maxwell's mathematical unification of electricity and magnetism, and antibiotics came after Pasteur and Koch.

    ECONOMIST: Medicine: Shooting down cancer | The

  • The photograph was first seen at King's College London during a Royal Institution lecture on colour theory by the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell on the 17 May 1861 and the college is marking the 150th anniversary of that demonstration with an evening of talks celebrating his scientific discoveries.

    BBC: Pioneering colour photography

  • If it were not for this kick, the apparatus would be behaving just like Maxwell's Demon, a hypothetical creature (conceived of in the 19th century by James Clerk Maxwell) that could cause the spontaneous separation of hot and cold particles and thus do serious damage to some of the laws of physics.

    ECONOMIST: Microrefrigeration

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