James Dorn, a currency expert at the Cato Institute, is skeptical that the Maharishi's plan for saving the world through co-ops and raams will work.
FORBES: Queer as a 3-Raam Bill
James A. Dorn is a monetary specialist at the Cato Institute and vice president for academic affairs.
FORBES: The Fed's Incredible Rate Forecasting Hubris
James A. Dorn is a monetary specialist at the Cato Institute and editor of the Cato Journal.
FORBES: Ben Bernanke's QE4: Another Step Toward Helicopter Money, And Away From Freedom
James A. Dorn is a monetary economist at the Cato Institute and editor of the Cato Journal.
FORBES: Bernanke Administers Another Cruel Dose Of Financial Morphine With QE3
James A. Dorn, a monetary policy analyst at the Cato Institute, explains why money printing is not a panacea for the ailing U.S. economy.
FORBES: The Federal Reserve's Flawed Approach To Monetary Policy
James A. Dorn is a monetary specialist at the Cato Institute.
FORBES: The Federal Reserve's Crony Capitalism