• Alison Parker graduated from Patrick Henry Community College and James Madison University.

    CNN: Honoring the journalists killed on live TV

  • Peter Pham is Director of the Nelson Institute for International and Public Affairs at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A stimulus for African security

  • James Madison University and La Salle University each won their respective games Wednesday evening to advance beyond the First Four round of the NCAA college basketball tournament.

    WSJ: After First Four, JMU and La Salle Move On

  • Bob Reid, AACSB's chief accreditation officer and a former dean at James Madison University's business school, says the group now assesses schools in the context of their individual missions, rather than against a common standard.

    WSJ: B-School Accrediting Body Retools Its Standards

  • Mr. George is professor of jurisprudence and director of the James Madison Program at Princeton University.

    WSJ: Robert George and Carter Snead: Planned Parenthood's Hostages

  • Uwe Reinhardt is James Madison Professor of Political Economy at Princeton University.

    FORBES: Uwe Reinhardt

  • But James Stein at the University of Wisconsin, Madison says he worries about the precedent of taking such snapshot views before the study is completed.

    FORBES: The Vytorin Saga

  • James Stein of the University of Wisconsin-Madison calls the cholesterol suppressor "the hottest drug on the horizon, " although he cautions that longer-term safety data are needed.

    FORBES: Degunker

  • Zelizer, professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University (alma mater of Presidents James Madison and Woodrow Wilson), said that he, too, is puzzled by this.

    CNN: Presidential jinx for Big Ten graduates

  • The data "are not definitive at all, " says James Stein, a cardiologist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

    FORBES: Another Storm Brewing For Vytorin

  • James Thomson, a biologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, turned to Geron, a biotech firm in Menlo Park, Calif.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • James Thomson, a biologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, turned to Geron (nasdaq: GERN - news - people ), a biotech firm in Menlo Park, Calif.

    FORBES: Anti-Ban Billionaires

  • James Stein, a cardiologist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, said before the release of the SEAS study that he believes any drug that lowers the bad cholesterol, or LDL, by 20% as Zetia does is likely to help patients, but that the benefit for Zetia is still unproven.

    FORBES: Another Blow For Merck And Schering

  • "To say that this study reflects on ENHANCE in any way is a huge stretch of the imagination, " says James Stein, a CIMT expert at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "This is a case where 99% of doctors and patients would elect to be stented, " says James Stein, head of preventative cardiology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison medical school.

    FORBES: Playing Politics With Clinton's Heart

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