Thank heavens Jeff Sessions will play a leading role in the Judiciary Committee's scrutiny of Elena Kagan.
Jeff Sessions, R-Alabama, is leading the charge against the "Gang of Eight" proposal and is a tough critic.
Senator JEFF SESSIONS (Republican, Alabama): Let's talk about this in a rational way.
Jeff Sessions championed a reduction in the sentencing disparity between people charged with possession of crack and powder cocaine.
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Senator JEFF SESSIONS (Republican, Alabama): What interest should be served: the interest of poor people or those around the world?
Senator JEFF SESSIONS, (Republican, Alabama): I don't know that it's proper to debate the policy and everybody bring out their list of criticisms.
Jeff Sessions, R-Alabama, and the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, said he did not think Republicans would block the nomination with a filibuster.
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Leading Members of Congress like Senators Jon Kyl, Dick Shelby and Jeff Sessions and Representatives Duncan Hunter and Curt Weldon have long recognized this reality.
Jeff Sessions of Alabama, the ranking Republican on the Budget Committee.
Jeff Sessions of Alabama, probably the most underrated Republican on Capitol Hill, is already a dogged critic of the legislation drafted by the Gang of Eight.
But at a senate judiciary hearing a few weeks ago, Republican Jeff Sessions of Alabama suggested this puts the U.S. at a competitive disadvantage in a global economy.
Jeff Sessions of Alabama, the ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee, appeared on the CBS program "Face the Nation" to outline concerns over what he called Sotomayor's possible racial bias.
Senator JEFF SESSIONS (Republican, Alabama): A victory is when we've been able to pull out and that there's a stable government capable of defending itself against terrorists or outside attacks.
Jeff Sessions, R-Alabama, said Friday in a written statement.
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Jeff Sessions, a conservative Republican, said Jeffords has been able to win concessions from the GOP as a moderate and would be unlikely to hold that leverage if he bolts the party.
Led by Wayne Allard (R-CO), John Cornyn (R-TX), James Inhofe (R-OK), and Jeff Sessions (R-AL), who all scored a 100 percent, the Senate had 15 members who scored an 85 percent or better.
Jeff Sessions of Alabama got more steamed up.
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Across the political spectrum, from liberals like Barbara Mikulski, D-Maryland, to conservatives like Jeff Sessions, R-Alabama, there is a demand for "regular order" -- legislation that results from committee consideration, vigorous debate and the opportunity to offer amendments and to reach principled compromises.
The New York Jets' quarterback arrived at the team's training facility Monday fresh from some private sessions with Jeff Garcia, who mastered that offense with several teams.