But the Thames Users Group (Tug) claims the plan could jeopardise safety on the river.
The Fire Brigades' Union (FBU) said the cuts are "reckless" and will jeopardise public safety.
Eagles coach Mark Aston told BBC Radio Sheffield it could jeopardise their season and their future.
Better to do a limited amount of good than to jeopardise everything by aiming too high.
Would it be grateful if another country were to jeopardise the process by arresting Gerry Adams?
That will jeopardise the government's goal of holding total contributions to 40% to encourage employment.
Some residents feared the scheme might jeopardise an earlier idea to build new homes and a school.
He added this could have other serious consequences and could jeopardise the balance between judiciary and government.
Pressing them to reduce rates further would jeopardise their ability to attract private capital, inhibiting their growth.
Mr Clarke said the committee could jeopardise the inquiry because the subjects being discussed were outside its remit.
Meanwhile a head teachers' leader is saying a lack of funds could jeopardise government plans for extended schools.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | 'Tighter' education funding flow
Then I had a think, and decided that I could not let my weakness jeopardise our documentary project.
The Unite union, which represents about 10% of the service's workforce, claims the move would jeopardise patient care.
"I wouldn't play golf if it would in any way jeopardise my knee in any way, " he said.
BBC: SPORT | Cricket | England | England wary on Vaughan recovery
Premature fiscal repairs could jeopardise the recovery, as America learned in 1937 and Japan rediscovered 60 years later.
This year, say officials, there will be no reduction in numbers, in order not to jeopardise safety standards.
ECONOMIST: Indian railways: There's no such thing as a free ride | The
They are the people with the power and the money, they wouldn't want to jeopardise their supposed superiority.
In order not to jeopardise Mr Putin's visit, Poland has to swallow hard when its history is traduced.
Complying with it would jeopardise investment in the province's huge oilsands, at a cost of thousands of jobs.
Such a move, it was feared, could jeopardise essential Palestinian police training, with damaging effects on Israeli security.
Such a potential liability is so great that it could jeopardise the AAA rating of France if not Germany.
They may not want to jeopardise their wealth and safety by opposing her.
Nor should Mr Roh let his efforts to ease tensions with the North jeopardise his country's ties with America.
The Latin Patriarch in Jerusalem deplored the decision, saying that it might jeopardise the pope's planned visit next year.
And why should senior staff welcome new ownership if it would jeopardise their own company's informal commitment to its employees?
Last week, Lord Heseltine criticised the prime minister's European strategy, saying an "ill-advised" referendum would jeopardise the UK's business prospects.
Hamilton and his McLaren team are determined not to jeopardise his title chances for the second season running in Brazil.
And make it so useful that nobody would want to jeopardise it for the totemic triumph of a Kyoto renewal.
ECONOMIST: The Canc��n climate-change conference: A sort of progress | The
None of the fans groups want to be a part of anything which might jeopardise the future of our national teams.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Scots say no to Olympic football
Too much competition from the private sector would jeopardise the free exchange of data that allows any country to formulate forecasts.