Crime Prevention Minister Jeremy Browne says black mamba and methoxetamine, often known as mexxy, will be banned.
BBC: "Legal highs" mexxy and black mamba banned by government
Minister Jeremy Browne will unveil the powers at a war memorial in Erith, Kent, that was damaged by thieves.
But Lib Dem Foreign Office minister Jeremy Browne said on Tuesday that they were "part of the same constitutional package".
BBC: David Cameron to press ahead with boundary changes plans
However, the Home Office minister Jeremy Browne, a Liberal Democrat, said the government was "open to new ways of thinking".
Crime Prevention Minister Jeremy Browne said crime was continuing to fall and was now at the lowest level since the survey began.
BBC: Fall in crime in England and Wales 'may be exaggerated'
Jeremy Browne will also say that the genital mutilation of girls as young as five is "barbaric" and should be regarded as "child abuse".
They told Home Office Minister Jeremy Browne they were "very concerned" at the proposed replacement of Dog Control Orders, with less specific anti-social behaviour measures.
Taunton MP Jeremy Browne said he wanted to avoid further delays.
Taunton Deane Lib Dem Jeremy Browne is concerned that Devon and Somerset Fire Authority wants to reduce its two full-time fire crews at the station to one.
Jeremy Browne, the Foreign Office minister responsible for Falklands policy, doubts that, say, Brazil or Uruguay has much interest in a regional economic blockade of the islands.
On Saturday Nick Clegg met the party's prospective candidates in Highbridge, along with Somerset's four Lib Dem MPs - David Heath, Tessa Munt, Jeremy Browne and David Laws.
Home Office minister Jeremy Browne said the government would make way for a debate on Leveson, regardless of whether talks between the party leaders reached a deal or not.
They'll quiz ministers Jeremy Browne and Don Foster on the Draft Anti-Social Behaviour Bill, then they'll talk to former MP Ann Cryer, about her experience in campaigning against localised child grooming.
Crime Prevention Minister Jeremy Browne said members of the public should report claims to the police, and go to the Independent Police Complaints Commission with any concerns over the role of police.
BBC: Cyril Smith abuse claims: MP wants 'MI5 cover-up' inquiry
Earlier, on the BBC's Question Time programme, Liberal Democrat Home Office Minister Jeremy Browne said he was optimistic the result would show that his party is "alive and kicking, and an important part of the political landscape of this country".