Jerusalem is older than the Bible and Tel Aviv is a thoroughly modern metropolis.
Cohen, 56, began his career refining the solar thermal process at Jerusalem's Hebrew University in 1977.
The size of those blocks and how Jerusalem might be shared has never been determined.
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Herod did the same, expounding in the course of Cleopatra's Jerusalem visit on her shameless behavior.
Ms. Glick is also the Deputy Managing Editor of and a columnist for the Jerusalem Post.
Israeli police are holding back hundreds of men protesting against women praying at Jerusalem's Western Wall.
It is a low-key place, far removed from uber-cool Tel Aviv and religious Jerusalem.
On the long flight back to Jerusalem, Netanyahu was surely asking himself that question.
Most striking for Selim was a piece of performance art by Jerusalem-born artist Yael Davids.
He is also pushing for Israel to agree to a de facto partition of Jerusalem.
During the Six-Day War he served in a unit that hand-delivered messages between headquarters and Jerusalem.
But much remains to be achieved for the conservation of the Old City of Jerusalem.
Friday also saw tension in Bahrain as Shia Muslims marked Jerusalem Day in support of Palestinians.
The group chose "Jerusalem, " a theme set to a religious poem by William Blake.
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But the seizure and closure of Orient House in East Jerusalem is of a different order.
Jerusalem is the Holy Land, cherished ground to three great faiths: Judaism, Islam and Christianity.
Obama was miles away in Jerusalem at the time, preparing to visit the Israel Museum.
At the time, Israeli officials cited rules prohibiting Palestinian officials from conducting political activity in Jerusalem.
The convoy turned around and sped to Jerusalem's main hospital, arriving at 8:05 p.m.
By saving Jerusalem, Hezkiyahu saved Jewish independence and through it, he saved the Jewish people.
Investors: Hopewell Ventures, Worldview Technology Partners, Jerusalem Venture Partners, Walker Ventures and Adena Ventures.
Under the Israeli plans, the new homes will be built in Ramat Shlomo in East Jerusalem.
In his press conference in Jerusalem on Monday, Kerry explained the purpose of these visits.
In remarks in Jerusalem in late October, U.S. Commerce Department Assistant Secretary Lawrence E.
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Similar rallies were held across the West Bank, East Jerusalem and even in the Gaza Strip.
Next, the U.N. chief went to Jerusalem for talks with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
It was Gergiev's idea to take the World Orchestra for Peace to Jerusalem this October.
The Jerusalem Post website says the police became aware of the incident from the online video.
In the 1980s and 1990s, American Jews lobbied hard to get the embassy moved to Jerusalem.
He was acquitted due to what Jerusalem District Court claimed were contradictions in the prosecution's testimony.