Palestinian and Moslem groups also attended the march, along with veteran civil rights leader Jesse Jackson.
When the Reverend Jesse Jackson ran for president, he thundered, our time has come.
Jesse Jackson, a candidate for president in 1988, and some felt he angered many black voters.
Jesse Jackson, the civil rights leader, has not been on Capitol Hill since late May.
Jesse Jackson also did well in the state, as did Reform Party founder Ross Perot.
Wasn't Jesse Jackson and the NAACP saying that the black votes were discounted in Florida as well?
CNN: Transcript: Gore talks with reporters outside the White House
Jesse Jackson, who urged Clinton to free the Serb POWs as a reciprocal gesture of good will.
One might have expected African-Americans to have supported Al Sharpton (as they backed Jesse Jackson in 1988).
U.S. REPRESENTATIVE JESSE JACKSON, JR. (D-IL): Republican say the underlying issue is not about sex, it's about perjury.
Reverend Jesse Jackson suggested Blankfein consider putting more labor, consumer and diverse individuals on the Board of Directors.
In Mr Bauer's dogged campaign, America could be witnessing the making of a Jesse Jackson of the right.
Monday on "American Morning, " former Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell, a McCain supporter, and Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.
Nowadays no diplomatic farce is complete without a cameo appearance by Jesse Jackson.
Jesse Jackson Jr. and Bobby Rush of Illinois voted against it on Monday.
Even the Reverend Jesse Jackson said he supports same-sex marriage and (inaudible) understand why the issue had gained providence.
Jesse Jackson Jr. pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, mail fraud and false statements.
In 1984, she covered the presidential campaigns of Jesse Jackson, John Glenn, and Gary Hart, and the vice-presidential campaign of Geraldine Ferraro.
Jesse Jackson's two presidential campaigns transformed him from a spokesman for an interest group into a national political figure.
Jesse Jackson and once reduced the head of the City Council to tears.
Broadcaster Oprah Winfrey and activist Jesse Jackson both had tears in their eyes.
Jesse Jackson also won the state in 1984 and 1988 but went on to lose both nominations by wide margins.
CNN: In post-presidency, Clinton shows no signs of slowing down
Robin Kelly was elected Tuesday as the Democratic nominee in a Chicago-area district to replace former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.
Congressman Jesse Jackson junior, whose district includes Chicago's far south side, is acting as if he is interested in the mayor's job.
ECONOMIST: A hugely successful mayor begins to be bothered by scandal
And after all the T-shirts are sold and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton go home, whatever real issue there was gets lost.
Jesse Jackson and his wife pled guilty to campaign finance and tax charges and are set to be sentenced later this year.
FORBES: Jesse Jackson Guilty, But Isn't Depression A Defense?
For example, Illinois Congressman Jesse Jackson Junior and Jerry Costello support Obama.
Speaking at the funeral, the Rev Jesse Jackson praised Ebert's early support for the films of Spike Lee and other black filmmakers.
Jesse Jackson Jr. had represented 2nd Congressional District in Illinois since 1995.
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Jesse Jackson.
Jesse Jackson also won South Carolina in the 1984 and 1988 primaries.