He talks about how the rebellious boy grew to accept his Jewish religion and identity.
But as perplexing, unique, and even discomfiting as it may be, the Jew is a member of both the Jewish people and the Jewish religion, and this has been so since the beginning of Jewish history.
The orthodox idea that religion defines Jewish identity has triumphed, Mr Freedman concludes.
Whereas fellow Western democracies are within their rights when they undertake initiatives like banning Islamic headdresses from the public square, Israel is a criminal state for affording Jewish soldiers freedom of religion.
And she proposes that we Jews just change our religion to satisfy anti-Jewish sensitivities.
As Uriely noted, Norway's prohibition on Jewish ritual slaughter makes Judaism the only religion that cannot be freely practiced in Norway.
But, in another twist to the saga, about a decade ago Jewish culture returned to China, where religion has been suppressed for half a century.
Since 1989, Jewish people have been free to practice their religion and explore their culture.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Crossing Continents | Hidden children of the Holocaust
Non-Wahhabi Sunni Muslims (syncretic Muslims, Sufis, Barelvis, Bahai, Ahmadis, etc) are still considered illegitimate, at best, while the Shia religion is particularly despised as a "Jewish conspiracy" against Islam.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Alexiev testifies on Wahhabi influence in US
Everyone understands that while Jews have a perfect right to change their religion, they have no right to force the Jewish community to accept Christians as Jews.
Israeli governments of whatever stripe have always preferred to treat their Arab citizens less in terms of what they are a national minority of Palestinian Arabs who stayed on their lands after the Jewish state was established in 1948 than in terms of the religion they espouse.
Yet both end up grappling with the conundrum of Jewish survival in America, and conclude, with some justice, that only religion can preserve Jews as a distinct people.
This 2001 documentary provokes intense sympathy for the plight of gay Jews who cleave to the Orthodox branch of the religion even while its leaders deny their right to be gay and Jewish.
In blunt terms, Joe Lieberman's religion and his support of Israel will surely win the Democratic ticket many more Jewish votes than it will lose it Arab ones.
Although originally a reaction against religion indeed, it was an outgrowth of the Haskalah, the 19th-century Jewish enlightenment that the rabbis of Europe most feared Zionism never completely repudiated the authority of Judaism's priesthood.