Jack Mullen's clients over the years included Bob Hope, Jimmy Stewart, Phyllis Diller, and Carol Burnett.
Here Jimmy Stewart (Scotty) follows Kim Novak (Madeleine) and looks on as she visits the grave of Carlotta Valdes.
One of those corny black-and-white forties Air Force films with tearful goodbyes as Jimmy Stewart flies off into the wild blue yonder.
Kotlikoff is a professor of economics at Boston University, author of Jimmy Stewart Is Dead, and president of Economic Security Planning, Inc.
Two paintings show Grace Kelly and Jimmy Stewart although Mr. Fischer covered their faces with silk-screen images: a metal pipe for her, a banana for him.
WSJ: Urs Fischer's Beds & Problem Paintings Show in Beverly Hills
It infected the media, academe and Hollywood, where stars identified with middle-America like John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart, Bob Hope and Lucille Ball were eclipsed in the spotlight by leftists like Warren Beatty and Jane Fonda.
Kotlikoff is a professor of economics at Boston University, president of Economic Security Planning, author of Jimmy Stewart Is Dead--Ending the World's Ongoing Financial Plague With Limited Purpose Banking, and co-author, with Scott Burns, of Spend 'Til the End.
Most of us would know nothing about the filibuster had not Jimmy Stewart used it to stand up to corrupt politicians in the movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, only this time it was a real senator doing the same thing.
Imagine if he went to the floor (in Jimmy Stewart or Spencer Tracy fashion) to offer a powerfully symbolic piece of legislation -- for example, a balanced budget amendment to highlight the deficit issue or sweeping homeland security and veterans benefit legislation.
My interviews with people such as Warren Beatty, Shirley MacLaine, Jack Lemmon, Barbra Streisand, Mel Brooks, Jimmy Stewart, Bette Davis, James Caan, Robin Williams, Christian Slater, Lucille Ball, Meryl Streep, Sharon Stone, Julia Roberts, Sir Ian McKellen, Lynn Redgrave, Tom Cruise, Carrie Fisher, Whoopi Goldberg, Lauren Bacall, and Bruce Willis (just to name a few) have enlightened me about the art of acting and the history of Hollywood.
Union convenor Jimmy Gray, who along with local MP David Stewart, has scheduled a meeting with Industry Minister Helen Liddell this week, was one of four officials on the trip.
Among many well-known names in the comedy section are Stewart Lee, Jo Caulfield, Daniel Kitson, Craig Hill, Jimmy Carr, Sean Hughes and Alistair McGowan.