The overall jobless rate may continue to decline as the economy, net, adds more jobs.
The jobless rate fell to 8.3%, the lowest since February 2009, from 8.5% in December.
The Texas jobless rate is 6.4% while California's is still the third highest at 9.4%.
In addition, the euro-zone jobless rate for February was in line with expectations at 12%.
Government employee rolls at state and municipal levels remain a drag on the jobless rate.
Economists looked for the jobless rate to edge down to 7.7% from 7.8% last month.
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The average jobless rate in the euro area held steady at 8.8% in the same month.
The jobless rate for this group has risen to 20.2%, the highest since the early 1980s.
The jobless rate of 4.7% is lower even than in that other American boomtown, Washington, D.
Spain's total jobless rate is released separately every three months, and includes those not claiming benefits.
In January the European Commission forecast the EU's jobless rate to rise to 9.5% in 2010.
The jobless rate is 4.4% and real incomes have been rising even faster than spending.
EU's standardised measure, Germany's jobless rate was exactly the same as France's in September.
It is the highest jobless rate since the three months to the end of April 1999.
Where they have risen by five percentage points, the jobless rate has gone up by three.
House prices have shot up, even as the region's jobless rate has soared to over 50%.
The speed of the recovery will still be the main influence on the jobless rate.
Yet Mr. Obama did none of this, despite a subsequent economic upswing and a declining jobless rate.
The jobless rate dipped to 4% from 4.1% in December - its lowest level since January 1970.
Its jobless rate could approach levels seen in 2003, during the outbreak of SARS, a respiratory disease.
The figures, from the National Statistics Institute, mean Spain's jobless rate is twice the European Union average.
The jobless rate in Ireland , based on benefit claimants, jumped from 8.3% to 9.2% in January.
The youth jobless rate was nearly 11%, while for blacks it was 14% and for Hispanics 9.6%.
Regardless, Fed presidents have said their long-term view of the jobless rate ranges from 5.2% to 6%.
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From the current 8.1%, the jobless rate would peak above 9% next year, averaging 8.8% in 2013.
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The national jobless rate has dropped under 10 percent according to the latest government report issued last week.
Dismal employment statistics suggest the jobless rate hangs at 9% or better for the foreseeable future, several years.
Japan's March jobless rate stood at a post-war record high of 4.9% with 3.5m people out of work.
The latest 4.7% jobless rate is down sharply from a record high of 5.5% in January last year.
The reading was the lowest since January 2006, despite a consistent decrease in the jobless rate since then.