Mr Arbabsiar was arrested at New York's John F Kennedy airport on 29 September.
In 1968 he had married Jacqueline Kennedy, widow of U.S. president John F Kennedy.
He had been detained while changing planes at John F Kennedy airport in New York.
Their path was blocked by then Alabama Governor George Wallace and his state troopers until President John F Kennedy intervened.
Such a moment was the routine speech John F Kennedy planned to deliver one day in Dallas, Texas, at the Trade Mart.
He was detained at New York's John F Kennedy airport on Saturday.
He ended by adapting the famous "Ich bin ein Berliner" quote from the late US President John F Kennedy during the Cold War.
He was arrested on Friday by immigration authorities at John F Kennedy airport in New York on suspicion of illegally entering the United States.
He was arrested at John F Kennedy International Airport, authorities said.
It was established by former President John F Kennedy in 1963.
Even more alarming is to learn of the preparations John F Kennedy made "with a heavy heart, and in necessary fulfilment of my oath of office".
Earlier this year, the WNO announced plans to merge with the John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in a move to give it "long-term financial security".
After the assassination of President John F Kennedy, the purchase of guns through the mail - which is how Lee Harvey Oswald bought his weapon - was outlawed.
In the 1950s and 1960s Acapulco was a world-famous resort that attracted celebrities such as Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley and US President John F Kennedy, who spent his honeymoon there.
The party takes its inspiration from a phrase of the former American president, John F Kennedy, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".
The apology, personally signed by the Prime Minster, was sent by Mr Blair to Paul Hill's wife, Courtney Kennedy Hill, the daughter of the assassinated American Attorney-General Robert Kennedy, and niece of the late John F Kennedy.
President John F Kennedy's speech at Rice University in 1961, which laid down the gauntlet for a landing on the Moon, seemed a daunting challenge at the time, especially when the US had only sent Alan Shepard on a 20-minute sub-orbital flight.
This year award-winning American journalist Carl Bernstein, who broke the Watergate scandal in the Washington Post in 1972, will reflect on the Barack Obama administration and the American anniversaries of Gettysburg (150th), the Vietnam war (40th) and President John F Kennedy's assassination (50th).
Edward Kennedy and nephew of the assassinated president, John F.
The iconic Kennedy family has captured American attention for decades, and John F.
In 1925, Robert Kennedy, the U.S. politician and younger brother of John F.
Kennedy lay in repose Thursday evening after his flag-draped casket arrived at the John F.
Kennedy has served in Congress since 1986 in a seat once held by his uncle, John F.