• She has interviewed a variety of celebrities and newsmakers including former Australian Prime Ministers John Howard and Kevin Rudd, Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, John Travolta and Sylvester Stallone.

    CNN: CNN Profiles - Lynda Kinkade - Anchor

  • Al Gore and John Kerry edged George W. Bush by similar margins in pre-convention polls in 2000 and 2004.

    FORBES: The Olympics Help Republicans

  • "We had two very good men, and men of faith, run for president in 2000 and 2004, " she said, referring to Al Gore and John Kerry.

    CNN: Clinton, Obama put politics aside to discuss faith

  • Mr Obama is unlikely to win among them, but it would help him if he could avoid losing by huge margins, as John Kerry and Al Gore did.

    ECONOMIST: American politics

  • Not surprisingly, it was among Democrats that Mr Coblentz was most influential, advising national politicians like Al Gore, John Kerry and Barack Obama, as well as Californians like Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer.

    ECONOMIST: William Coblentz

  • The electoral dynamics may have been very different in 2000 and 2004 than they were in 2008, as were the war records and even the political parties of Al Gore, John Kerry and McCain.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • If even Al Gore's partner John Doerr is now on record questioning the need for government assistance, we'd say it's well past time for Washington to turn off the subsidy spigot.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: Silicon Valley's Green Energy Mistake

  • U.S. Vice President Al Gore, British Prime Minister John Major, and U.N.

    CNN: France and the world honor Mitterrand

  • Well, you know, Al Gore is a maybe, but John Edwards is a definite.

    NPR: Roundtable: Rice Takes Heat, Graduation Gap

  • By contrast, the former New Jersey senator compared himself to insurgent GOP candidate John McCain, saying that between himself and Gore, he is the true reformer.

    CNN: Gore campaign bites back

  • It brought in high-profile partners lacking any real tech experience, such as Powell and Gore, while its heaviest hitter, billionaire John Doerr, was focused on biofuels and solar cells.

    FORBES: Feature

  • Mr Mondale was no insurgent but rather a classic, boring, inside-the-Beltway, establishment candidate like John Kerry, Joe Lieberman, Dick Gephardt or even Al Gore.

    ECONOMIST: Dean's appeal

  • "I don't think Gore can walk away, " said Louisiana Senator John Breaux, widely considered the most agnostic about new legal challenges to the election.

    CNN: Bush's Contested Lead

  • Mr. JOHN DICKERSON (Washington Political Correspondent, Slate Magazine): Al Gore has a kind of a rock star status today.

    NPR: Slate's Politics: A Political Comeback for Gore?

  • While the district, which includes Bucks County and small portions of Montgomery County and Philadelphia, had historically been considered a Republican stronghold (Bill Clinton could garner only 39 percent of the vote in 1992), the trend had been more Democratic of late, as Democratic presidential nominee Al Gore took 51 percent of the vote in 2000 and John Kerry was a heavy favorite to win the district.

    CNN: Fitzpatrick to claim open seat in Penn.

  • To add additional appeal to undecided America, former Vice President Al Gore spoke an hour before Obama, and 2004 Democratic Candidate John Kerry spoke Wednesday night.

    FORBES: Obama Accepts Nomination

  • John McCain of Arizona is greater than two-to-one, while Gore has better than a four-to-one advantage over Bill Bradley.

    CNN: Poll: Bush, Gore hold substantial leads in California

  • Mr Gore's words, though - and those of US Senator John Kerry on Thursday - may have begun to convince delegates that if EU leadership on climate is faltering, the US under Barack Obama is poised to take over.

    BBC: Gore's tough message to leaders

  • Missourians chose President Bush over John Kerry by a six-point margin in 2004 and picked Bush over Al Gore by a four-point margin in 2000.

    CNN: McCain, Obama in tight race as debates loom

  • For example, in the 2004 presidential election 52 percent of women voted for John Kerry, whereas in the 2000 election 53 percent of women voted for Al Gore, but both lost to their Republican rival.

    FORBES: Three Reasons Why Obama Is Losing The Women's Vote

  • That's still significantly better than Vice President Al Gore's 50 percent approval rating, and far higher than Republican candidate John McCain or Democratic candidate Bill Bradley register.

    CNN: /Time poll: Bush's favorable ratings drop slightly

  • But whereas Al Gore's prospects hinged on an ultimately elusive victory in Florida, and John Kerry's on an equally elusive win in Ohio, Mr Obama in 2008 made inroads into previously Republican territory in the South, the Rockies and the Midwest, bringing him victory by a comfortable margin.

    ECONOMIST: The Obama campaign

  • Question: Why does an ultrasuccessful VC like John Doerr, who calls himself a libertarian, support a tax-and-spender like Al Gore for President?

    FORBES: Digital rules

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