There is no water, except the Jordan River is richer in history than water.
As Faitelson demonstrated, Jewish and Arab birthrates are already converging west of the Jordan River at around three children per woman.
On Wednesday, Jordan sent a convoy of trucks across the Jordan River packed with relief aid for Palestinians under Israeli curfew in the West Bank.
In 1995, when she was a princess, Rania founded the Jordan River Foundation , which promotes economic opportunities for women through micro-finance and job training.
This homeland included all of the land west of the Jordan river and the land east of the Jordan river in what is today called Jordan.
The main tensions were with Syria, which competed with Israel for the scarce waters of the Jordan river and supported raids on it by Palestinian guerrilla movements.
Hashemite rule was not the Palestinians' first choice, but refugees who crossed the Jordan river were automatically given Jordanian citizenship and the rights that go with it.
He was, rather, an ideologue, a disciple of Zeev Jabotinsky, the hardline Zionist who wanted to see a Jewish state along both banks of the Jordan river.
South of the Sea of Galilee, the Jordan River Valley has gorgeous views of the Galilee Mountains and is truly one of the most beautiful parts of the country.
If he is right, that could mean an Israeli strip of land, 20-30km in width, running west of the Jordan river, the Palestinians' main gateway to the Arab world.
Syria contends that the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin agreed during lower-level peace talks that stalled in 1996 to return the Golan, a water-rich region that overlooks the upper Jordan River valley.
CNN: Albright: 'No done deal' as Israel, Syria prepare to meet
The rest of the year the Ladds do trips in the Bahamas, the Costa Rica Pacific Coast, or train kayak instructors on the Jordan River in Israel, or do white water kayak surfing in the ocean.
When talking about Palestine, the speaker is referring to the region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River that includes the Jewish state of Israel and the Palestinian lands of the West Bank and Gaza.
CNN: Purported bin Laden tape calls Gaza offensive a 'holocaust'
Many Ukrainians, especially politicians who some joke have more sins than most, step inside ice holes - cut in the shape of a cross - to honour the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River.
Some suggest that, while Israel's peace treaty with Jordan is reasserted, a buffer zone could be drawn up on the eastern side of the Jordan river, perhaps monitored by peacekeepers from NATO or the UN, to protect Israel against an invasion from the east and to enable it to withdraw from the West Bank.
ECONOMIST: The Jordan valley: A dry bone of contention | The
Not far from Jericho, the River Jordan squiggles through the desert dividing the West Bank from Jordan.
Earlier on Wednesday, he visited Qasr el Yahud - the site on the West Bank of the River Jordan where Israel says Jesus was baptised.
At the triangle where the borders of Israel, Syria and Jordan meet along the Yarmouk River, a lone jeep is seen crossing uninterrupted from Jordan into Syria.
Because he dreamt about a state on two sides of the (river) Jordan.
Ms. JENNIFER HUDSON (Singer): (Singing) Hold me like the river of Jordan and I will then say to thee, you are my friend.
Jordan Cobb, 16, from Plymouth, jumped into the River Tamar from the Torpoint ferry, near the Cornish shore.
Jordan Cobb, 16, from Plymouth, jumped from the Torpoint ferry into the River Tamar late on New Year's Eve.
BBC: Jordan Cobb search: Police losing hope of finding him alive
Jordan Cobb, 16, from Plymouth, leapt from the Torpoint ferry into the River Tamar between Devon and Cornwall late on New Year's Eve.
Jordan Cobb, 16, from Plymouth, Devon, jumped from the Torpoint ferry into the River Tamar at 21:15 GMT on Monday.
Jordan was seen on CCTV jumping from the side of the chain-link ferry as it crossed the river.
For a Travel Channel show on the natural wonders of Jordan that he hosted, he flew his own helicopter, rode a camel in the desert and forged up a river to see a beautiful canyon.