• The cover boy was an economist who had died a third of a century before, Joseph A. Schumpeter.

    FORBES: Iconoclasts

  • What legendary economist Joseph Schumpeter called creative destruction is a constant in a free-market economy.

    FORBES: Needed: Space-Age Approaches to Space

  • The great economist Joseph Schumpeter recognized that profit wasn't a bribe but a necessity for progress.

    FORBES: Pressuring Business to Believe in Business

  • The reputations of Adam Smith, Jean-Baptiste Say, Joseph Schumpeter and Friedrich Hayek surpass that of a dyspeptic economist writing for the New York Times.

    FORBES: Failure of Morality, Not Capitalism

  • It's a story to warm the bones of Joseph Schumpeter (of "creative destruction" fame) and bring the old Austrian economist waltzing out of his grave.

    FORBES: Coming soon -- cyber co-ops

  • His texts are: Ludwig von Mises' Human Action, Friedrich A. Hayek's The Constitution of Liberty and, though he's not technically a member of the Austrian School, Joseph Schumpeter's Business Cycles.

    FORBES: Creative destruction 101

  • Another example: Almost everyone today is aware of the phrase of another Austrian-born economist, Joseph Schumpeter: "creative destruction, " which describes the process in a capitalist economy whereby new technology and new companies messily supplant the old.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • The economist Joseph Schumpeter cautioned his readers not to expect new forms of economic development to announce themselves with a grand flourish.

    FORBES: McKinsey Quarterly

  • "The Creative Destruction of Medicine" an allusion to economist Joseph Schumpeter's description of "creative destruction" as an engine of business innovation is a venture capitalist's delight, describing dozens of medical technologies that show great promise.

    WSJ: Book Review: The Creative Destruction of Medicine

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