The family bought the horse farm, and the drag strip opened on July 4, 1965.
Many attended well-known attractions, like the Nathan's Famous July 4 International Hot Dog-Eating Contest.
Beyonce is headlining one of three night concerts during the festival, which runs July 4-7.
The first incident occurred on July 4, 2008, and the second on May 14, 2009.
On July 4, AllThingsD published a brief story that linked to the aforementioned Wall Street Journal report.
Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is trying to pass a revision of this bill by the July 4 recess.
But, by a weird coincidence, Angelos and Al Davis were born on the same day, July 4, 1929.
As of July 4, he owns 51.8 million shares of RIMM, which is about 9.9% of the company.
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On July 4, 1902 (as if on cue from John Philip Sousa), Roosevelt declared victory in the Philippines.
He ran his first official 5K race, the Great Buffalo Chase, on July 4, 2011, in 39 minutes.
President Bush may choose to bypass the Senate by appointing Bolton during Congress' upcoming July 4 holiday recess.
The Justices will rule sometime before the court's summer recess--usually by July 4.
Phillips, who was born July 4, 1918, in Sioux City, Iowa, ventured into journalism in 1955 at age 37.
The CTC, fearful of another strike around the July 4 holiday, is "on a heightened state of alert, " says Bernazzani.
The fatal accident Thursday afternoon came during a practice session for the race, which is set to begin July 4.
The unofficial launch date is July 9, but I wouldn't be surprised to see the shuttle in orbit on July 4.
On July 4, 2012, the experiments showed that this excess grew substantially with the additional data that was recorded in 2012.
Technical problems have delayed a Webcast of the device in action slated for July 4, at the Kinetica Museum, in London.
Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Mississippi, said he hoped an energy bill would be ready for Bush's signature by July 4.
By July 4, Mr. Christie hopes to have some of the shore's summer properties, amusement rides and businesses up and running.
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The weekend of July 4 is usually reserved for popcorn movies like last year's Hancock and the first Transformers movie in 2007.
Every July 4, local militias got decked out in their finest outfits and paraded through the streets marching to fifes and drums.
On July 4, 1776, the day we officially celebrate Independence Day, the wording of the Declaration of Independence was approved by Congress.
One of Steiner's most coveted items is the jersey Lou Gehrig wore during his famous July 4, 1939, farewell speech at Yankees Stadium.
While the budget is tight, he believes that a July 4, 2014 release date gives him ample time to do the conclusion justice.
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John Dunlap, Congress' official printer, received a manuscript on July 4, 1776, from which he made the first printed copies of the Declaration.
The five-week cruise set off on July 4 and is now in the sub-polar region of the North Atlantic between Greenland and Iceland.
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Scientists have analyzed two and a half times more data than they had when the first announced the Higgs boson results last July 4.
And July 4 is the biggest single day for emergency roadside assistance calls: AAA says it will likely rescue 520, 000 stranded motorists during the holiday weekend.
Last season Davis' average didn't rise above .200 for good until July 4, but the Mets were playing well and Davis was never sent to the minors.