They are the pararescue jumpers, or PJs, who jump out of the plane during rescue missions.
When they saw the phones Wall Street chose to jump out of the way.
"Jump out now, " Ashley urged, as the raft maneuvered effortlessly through the roiling river.
WSJ: Merrill Markoe on a Dark and Lonely Road Trip | Traveler's Tale
Salguero believes his site will give many individuals a chance to jump out on their own.
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"That just confirms that I will never jump out of an airplane, " Jeter said.
There are two problems that immediately jump out about the five finished studies Austin reviews.
But it's important not to jump out of the blender and into the fire.
Hearts pounding we surfed the icy shore break and quickly jump out of the Zodiac.
Instead, they encourage both listeners and radio stations to play the songs that jump out at them.
That probably comes as no consolation to your children if their guppies jump out of their fish bowl.
But to do all that effectively, they must first jump out of the box and leave the building.
Watching the trailer, and perusing these early screenshots of the game, two things immediately jump out at me.
FORBES: 'Apatheon' Looks Like A 2D 'Dark Souls' Set In Ancient Greece
As you read through FORBES GLOBAL's ranking of the world's billionaires, one big idea should jump out at you.
After a struggle, I managed to get the door open and jump out.
Former and current Google interviewers have told me that the best answer they've heard is: Jump out of the jar.
Companies offer adventure travelers the opportunity to hike the glacier, helicopter over it or jump out of planes above it.
The gentlemen in the cab jump out, throw open the gate, and discover that one of the items that Mrs.
But while playing, an issue did jump out at me that I feel is important for the future of games.
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It's getting in a more dangerous situation because the higher you go the more dangerous it is to jump out.
The youngsters somersault down the hill, some bouncing so close to us that we have to jump out of their way.
Whenever you see a parade outside, you can count on politicians to jump out in front of it to demonstrate their leadership.
What is the passion that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning ready to take on the world?
FORBES: Does Being Passionate About the Work You Do Increase Your Chance of Success?
Okay, so Graham and Dodd might not jump out of their graves.
They told me about the hazards of the job, which included having a snake jump out at you from between the rocks.
Even so, America's role seems to jump out from almost every page.
This simply means it is time to take the next step, jump out of the nest, and go out on your own.
It's also supposed to make Anheuser-Busch jump out of the crowd of thirty-some marketers during the year's most significant advertising spectacle--Super Bowl XXXIV.
Ironically, if you tossed a new frog into the water as it was heating up, it would jump out of the hot water.
FORBES: OUCH! Why Your CEO Doesn't Feel The Heat When Everyone Else Does.
Your brain fills in the rest on its own, in order to save energy, so everything around you doesn't immediately jump out and demand focus.