Adopted from foster care, the siblings struggled with their grades when they entered junior high school.
She was on track to compete for Olympic stardom in gymnastics up until Junior High School.
Soon after, my brother graduated from primary school and entered Rakunan Junior High School.
As a group, they were somewhere between junior high school and junior executives in the workforce.
To enroll in a private junior high school, Emma must compete with other children.
The only time she ever rebelled, Adele recalls, was when she was in junior high school.
Place set up the meeting after learning that Lewis had a relative in the junior high school.
Ms. JOYCE CHILES (Mississippi District Attorney): I didn't learn about this case until, maybe Junior High School.
Typos have been a passion of Deck's since he won a few spelling bees in junior high school.
After just nine months in town, she was voted the most popular girl at Western Junior High School.
On Thursday, Avital, 84, and Lewis, 90, met face-to-face for the first time in the auditorium at Wappingers Junior High School.
One of them, Daniel Marti, has known Ariel Castro since junior high school and lived near him for about 22 years.
The neighborhood is made up of one primary school, one junior high school, two Catholic churches, three parks and two farms.
In 1976, when he was still in junior high school, Paul got his first summer job there in the drafting department.
Insoo Kim, 14, is a typical junior high school student in Seoul.
Upon graduating, Tancredo taught history at Drake Junior High School in Denver.
His junior high school history teacher, Stephen Lamb, remembers him being a smart student who could concern himself with things other than school.
Parents often find out only when their children go on to junior high school that they haven't yet mastered their elementary school subjects.
The family hoped to be able to enroll Ryohei in Shiba Junior High School, a springboard for students into the even more sought-after Tokyo University.
Prime Minister Mori, in fact, said while visiting a computer lab at a junior high school last week, that had been his first computer lesson.
His parents banned TV until Peter was in junior high school.
My eldest brother, for some reason, became the first trumpeter in the wind band of Rakunan Junior High School, and became known as a musical genius.
The incident happened in a flash during a soccer game Saturday at a field at Eisenhower Junior High School in Taylorsville, a Salt Lake City suburb.
Blanca Sepulveda, 38, believes her own upbringing in Mexico before coming to the United States in junior high school ultimately contributed to her daughter's weight problem.
In the national concert music contest held in Kyoto Hall July 7, Bok Seigen (Pak Song-won), seventh grader of Rakunan Junior High School, came in first without dispute...
NPR: 'A Tale of Music': From 'Literature from the Axis of Evil'
These men had been sketching Shoggoths since junior high school.
From this year, said Mr Wen, schools would no longer charge tuition or other fees for children having their compulsory education (up to the end of junior high school).
The teenager was playing goalie during a game at Eisenhower Junior High School in Taylorsville when Portillo issued him a yellow card for pushing an opposing forward trying to score.
Clinton, who has been campaigning ceaselessly since junior high school, approaches politics as an obsessive host, something for this group, something for that set, an endless round of dim sum.
When the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami struck on 11 March 2011, almost all the elementary and junior high school children in the small coastal town of Kamaishi survived.