"I always claim that everyone likes country music -- they just don't want to admit it, " he says with a laugh.
In one recent study, 61% of consumers reported that they didn't read all the terms of contracts before agreeing to them. (And those are just the ones who will admit to it.) "Laid edge to edge, they're impossible to stay on top of, " says New York-based plaintiffs' attorney James Denlea.
WSJ: How Companies Stack the Deck Against You With Fine Print
While it was possible - just - for the Conservatives to admit defeat in 1992 and leave the ERM, it has become impossible for European and US politicians to defend anything other than the brittle front line of globalisation.
Maybe we -- the tellers, the talkers, the watchers -- simply can't admit it's over because we just got so caught up in it, right from the start.
But as afraid as I am to admit it, the thing that was once just a good idea is now actually growing and improving.
In a later appearance before the grand jury, Ms. Currie testified that she could no longer recall any occasions when she came just to admit Ms. Lewinsky, but she could not rule it out.
It is just that neither side wants to be the first to admit this.
Is this just -- do you then at least admit that this is going to make it a lot more difficult to come to some agreement?
It's not easy to admit that you can't just come to the rescue for your little sister.
We'll admit: we would have preferred to just tap the home button instead of click on it, especially when we were ready to switch apps, but nonetheless, Android makes for an intuitive-enough desktop operating system, what with the home screen full of shortcuts.
ENGADGET: ASUS shows off a docking monitor built for the PadFone, we go hands-on (video)
We had a chance to hit up their launch event last night and snapped a couple shots (our apologies for the quality) and we have to admit, even though this thing is targeted squarely at Qtopia developers, it could just as well be decent looking handset for the masses.
ENGADGET: Trolltech's Linux-based "Greenphone" for developers
Both Cooper and Bushnell admit they still have a way to go before getting there, but they recognize what it takes just to get a shot.