The place is a mess, and not just because it was a battleground last year.
"It does not have to be correct just because it is written there, " he said.
It's going to be big, and not just because it's key for big screens.
ENGADGET: LG's 84-inch 4K TV goes on sale in the US for $19,999, home mortgage optional
Because an exclusive, just because it's not on any other platforms does nothing for you.
Not just because it's a powerful gaming computer (it is), but also because of its modularity.
But many products are mass-produced in Asian countries, not just because it is cheaper.
Asia is important not just because it is huge, but because it is growing rapidly.
We like China Steel not just because it will be an important component of the MSCI index.
Just because it was never clear who Ms Wang's backers were does not mean they do not exist.
Still, the call for reforms is not tainted just because it stems from people we are not sure about.
Don't think that just because it's a skater game that you have to be a skater to play it.
That will never happen, and not just because it would be opposed by Republicans but many Democrats as well.
The charity Samaritans advises people that they should not feel obliged to enjoy themselves just because it is Christmas.
Of course, just because it's better than the JAQ doesn't mean it's good.
Just because it's a long flight does not mean you can get as comfortable as you get at home.
"Just because it's happened in England doesn't mean that it's right, " he said.
I'm not going to put pressure on myself to do something just because it might be my last match.
BBC: Cricket World Cup: Muralitharan ready for England match
This seems like a feature that Samsung threw in just because it could.
It reduces crime, and not just because it keeps people who would otherwise be committing crimes off the streets.
But like a fool I kept it in, just because it was really, really interesting, and had really, really happened.
Innovation could suffer as well: rights holders could ignore technological improvement just because it does not fit their business model.
Inventory hurts not just because it has to be financed, but because it erodes in value as component prices decline.
Truly high-tech for the times, it was a popular choice, though not necessarily just because it ran on battery power.
FORBES: All The Presidents' Wheels: The History Of Cars And Our Commanders-In-Chief
Just because it might not make a difference in public health, "it doesn't mean it's universally true for everyone, " she said.
Do you think it's just because it's almost 10 percent unemployment that the American people are so sour on the stimulus?
But the loan forgiveness provision raises eyebrows, and not just because it would directly benefit people who work on Capitol Hill.
But the political rush to back ethanol, just because it is green and people have heard of it, is a mistake.
Yet the U.S.--or any other nation based on the rule of law--cannot condone illegality just because it brings about tangible economic benefits.
The principle applies to uranium, just because it can be physically extracted, does not mean that it is profitable to do so.
The sailors were blind to the signs, incapable of seeing the pattern or logic, just because it was different to their own.