And as I say, this holds for nations just as it does for you and me.
And he was good-natured about it and said, can't you just keep one, one case for me, so that when I come in - and I said, I tell you what, you let me know when you're coming in and I'll run across the street and buy you a bottle of flat still water and have it on your table.
And I thought it would be useful for me to just give you some insight into where we were and why I think that we should have moved forward with a big deal.
Let's say I go into a fast food restaurant and I ask for a cheese burger and the server smiles at me and says - You know, just for 40 American cents more you can get a larger size.
The people who come to us for help are just like you and me, but they've found that their choice to drink alcohol has been riskier than they expected.
Just knowing you were there, at your desk, was an inspiration for me to write, and you know I mean that.
And finally let me -- also, David, just very briefly, thank you for expressing your condolences and concern about the people of Missouri.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama & Prime Minister Cameron Joint Press Availability | The White House
You do it every day, and we are just grateful and proud, and it is an honor for me to have been able to spend this time with you.
Let me just take you to the wall for a moment and show you what unemployment has done in this country since the beginning of this recession in December of 2007.
And so I hope you will just indulge me for a minute while I say that I thank you for that.
There have been huge home runs in the last year, but a great way to play the Facebook trend, people are looking for ways to ride that trend, and to me you just have to keep it really simple.
And I want all of you to know right off the bat how much I appreciate what each and every one of you has done -- not just for me but for the country.
My Facebook was filled with my photo and me extolling how easily you get a great free gift just for signing on.
It if is true about your advice on this particular situation, then I would urge you in common decency to have the courtesy of informing me just on what evidence you base your decision upon and your reasons for then drawing your conclusions.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In full: Dr Chai Patel's letter
Let me just begin by saying to Jay and Bey, thank you so much for your friendship.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at Campaign Event -- 40/40 Club
Carter, you have been just a wonderful support and a source of knowledge for me during my time here.
Well, we just completed a wonderful session with many of you, and let me thank you again for your participation.
WHITEHOUSE: Winning the Future Forum on Small Business: Closing Session | The White House
"For me it was just terrifying because you literally don't know where you are, and if that happened to you in London for instance, at least you know how you can stop and ask for help, " he said.
Simone's collection wisely leaves her signature numbers ("I Loves You Porgy, " "My Baby Just Cares for Me") unmolested, and gives the rest of the tracks the chill-out treatment.
So just knowing that you and all those homeless children are doing well, it's a reward enough for me.
And, you know, there's no reason for me to get dragged in just because I talked to my daughter.
So you know, for me, it's just the - it's just continuing that tradition and helping to hopefully educate Americans that comics are as valid a medium for telling these sorts of stories as any other one.
Mr. BENOIT: Everybody's been talking about this is south Louisiana, and for it to be sprung up on everybody like it was a big surprise, it just kills me, you know, 'cause I know that this was not a surprise.
And let me tell you something, all of that I just talked about, I love him for that, but I really -- what really made me fall in love with my husband all those years ago, it was his character.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event -- Hampton, VA