Rather than being aimed at solving a computing problem, Yurke says the tweezers were just a way of making a spontaneously assembling miniature tool.
But holding an Open Call is just a way of us making sure that there isn't anyone that we might have missed.
The reason being that from an economic perspective, just making it to a pro league is way more important than optimizing for how much he will make once he is there.
It was just a convoy of brave Americans, making their way home.
In my defence, I had not been intending to conduct a survey at all, but just making my way into BBC Broadcasting House.
The legislation that resulted from that debate is just now making its way through Congress, and drug ads remain a hot button issue.
America's Government Accountability Office has just issued a report making similar observations, especially with regard to the way the plan is being implemented on the ground.
As an impressionable kid just making my way in rugby, Martin Johnson stood out for me as a good leader and a player who would do what it takes to win.
Just as you were cheerfully knocking out guards and stealthily making your way through a level, the game threw some kind of gigantic armored boss at you, shattering the fiction the game had established and forcing the player through some strange hoops before the narrative resumed.
The comment may have been intended as just a colloquial way of describing the responsibility that the chief executive will have for making the new health system work.
It would be better to re-craft financial reforms in a more productive way with bi-partisan input, not just carve-out special deal making like Cornhusker-kickbacks.
FORBES: With Warts, Fin Reg Passes House And Heads To Senate
If, on the other hand, this is the government's money and they're just a pass-through, it doesn't seem very sensible that banks should be making money that way.
And just about everybody -- Democrats and Republicans -- committed to making sure that early next year we find a way to extend the payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance through the end of 2012.
Sources within the dairy industry dismissed talk of a milk shortage as a scare story, put about to frighten dairy companies into making price concessions just as negotiations get under way for long term supply contracts.
I've gone through so many contracts and so many talks, and I would love to just talk about the cosmetics themselves, but getting the right deal and making sure that I can speak to women in a way that I feel is most affirming is extremely important.
And this just goes to the point that I was making that there's an opportunity here for Congress to act in a positive way to do what outside economists say would boost growth by up to 2 percent next year and would add up to 1.9 million jobs next year.