He has just married his long term partner Adele and is on honeymoon.
Multan says the dead man had just married his sister two weeks ago.
It was 2010, and she had just married her husband, a sound technician she met while touring with Bon Jovi, when she decided to set down roots.
Keep in mind that this applies to dependents who are also married, not just simply married taxpayers.
FORBES: A Beginner's Guide To Taxes: Do I Have To File A Tax Return?
"If a couple is just happily married, it gets boring for the average person, " he says.
"It's not just for married people, it's also for gay people who are in a civil partnership, " he said.
In other words, just because married folks are healthier than single people, it doesn't mean that marriage is causing the health gains.
"Tim just got married last year, and he also had his first child, and he is very happy and very sleep-deprived, " Neil said.
You were working to get other African-American clergy like yourself to oppose Prop 8 and you, yourself, also just got married during this period.
In Iceland, you never know if it could be that just-married guy taking off three to six months next year, instead of the woman with the big bad wedding ring on her finger.
Next day, near the Notre Dame Cathedral (I was beginning to blame the Frenchies for all this), there were dozens of Christmas-card sellers vying for space with bridal couples in absurd white satin dresses and morning suits, who had just been married during the auspicious festive season and were posing interminably for photographs.
While it rewards couples for getting married when just one has a job, it punishes couples for getting married when they both have high-paying jobs.
The obvious question is why: Why would people just easing into married life submit to home-invasion-by-camera-crew?
And, just like that married couple, love governs it all, even after thirty years.
Overall, about one in five women who had never been married had taken a morning-after pill, compared with just one in 20 married women.
She was amazing. (Applause.) For the young men out there who are not yet married, just give you a tip.
Edward and Florence, both 22 years old, educated yet innocent, have been married for just eight hours after a courtship bound by unspoken protocols.
"Just because he got married didn't make him less my son, but I knew he had to spend his attention on the other lady, " she says.
WSJ: Getting Along With the Original Other Woman��Your Mother-in-Law
The fact that the church can accept married priests just because they are upset at the notion of women priests indicates something of the church's priorities.
And the great thing is for the past year we've been working together, just before we got married, we had done three films back to back.
We even just had a lady get married up there, and she was a witch.
She had married John McAreavey just 12 days before she was murdered, and was buried in her wedding dress.
Just under half thought cohabitation showed just as much commitment as getting married.
Nearly two-thirds of American adults with college degrees (64%) are married, compared with just 47% among those with a high school education.
Let's review: Knowing where I have and haven't lived and whom I've married, I got just one answer right and flunked the test.
How many people here are married? (Laughter.) For those of you who are not but intend to get married, let me just tell you -- (laughter) -- you better get used to compromise.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Town Hall Meeting at University of Maryland | The White House
In a quite extended metaphor, it reminds me of gay marriage opponents arguing that just because more people get to be married, it somehow invalidates their own commitments.