They say that the kind of big, bold change we need today can't be achieved, and we just shouldn't try.
CNN: Edwards' October 13, 2007, speech on restoring democracy
Others argue that even if robots could be more accurate under some restricted circumstances at some unknown time in the future, we just shouldn't grant machines the decision about who lives or dies.
With 30 seats out of 60 already in his back pocket, gaining just one more shouldn't be that difficult, surely?
Candidates shouldn't just treat sites like YouTube as a "one-way medium for broadcasting a message, " he says.
It is an observation that, while true, shouldn't just apply to white people.
Even, you know, if it dies, you know, it deserves special respect, and we shouldn't just be using its bits, as it were.
But they shouldn't just say "no thanks" to a low-volume ETF.
They should be doing things to facilitate their client business or serve the clients in some way, that it shouldn't just be for their own profits.
Africa shouldn't just focus on local problems but needs to aspire to be at the core of global science to stop the brain drain and make the best of its talent.
BBC: What if Africa were to become the hub for global science?
But it kind of hit me that that kind of work shouldn't be just the realm of spreadsheet geeks.
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Olivier Messiaen's birth shouldn't be just another academic exercise in praise of a dead composer.
We shouldn't share just gumdrops and butterflies, because the hearty and rocky parts are what help us find our authentic selves.
"There's no reason why Africans shouldn't be just as safe and secure as in an European airline and we will follow those sort of procedures, " he says.
But John Feehery, a Republican strategist and CNN contributor, said the GOP shouldn't panic just yet, especially considering Democrats control all three branches of government and the economy shows little signs of recovering in the near future.
Brussels sprouts shouldn't be avoided just because they are a bit tricky to cook.
All this points to one radical question: Shouldn't the NBA just eliminate the draft and allow everyone to enter the league as a free agent?
On Monday, during another interview, Richardson said his comments were misinterpreted and that what he meant to say is simply that Cruz "shouldn't be defined just as a Hispanic" because there is more to him than that.
"We shouldn't think that just because we know women who can 'handle themselves' and, who while being disgusted by an unpleasant experience, get past it, that one might as well put up with a culture where complaints are ignored or not looked at, and serial sleazeballs are seen as 'characters', " he says.
Just because a woman is a spouse she shouldn't be expected to look one way or act one way.
Setting up syncing was just like working an iPod, so there shouldn't be any worries for the noobs out there in getting this thing up and running.
Mr Doubleday said: "I think the enormity of the sacrifice and the brutality of WWI shouldn't be allowed to just slip away from the consciousness of the population as a whole, " he said.
Ms. COX: And it's not even and I shouldn't even say that they just have problems.
But, very importantly, the government shouldn't be doing -- just doing short- term things.
CNN: Transcript of June 'CNN Money Summit: Money & Main St.'
The first is just the obvious tsk-tsk reaction: Anthony shouldn't have sought out Garnett after the game.
"I knew we needed to get an out, and I just tried to make a play that I probably shouldn't have tried to make, " Recker said.
"When you lose games like this it's easy to start thinking too much, overthinking what you should do, what you shouldn't do, rather than just going out there and playing basketball, " Anthony said.
The state took up just over half the space on our list, which shouldn't be a huge surprise.