What, you didn't think the Kinect open source community would just take a break for the weekend, did you?
ENGADGET: Kinect lightsaber, and other inevitable milestones for the open-source robot eye (video)
She says she can't understand why Ms. Harris doesn't just take a break for a few years and then write more.
Or maybe, newspapers will just become a massive indulgence, a chance for us all to take a break and instead of tapping on our touch screens, enjoy the feel and sound of a crisp newspaper as we leaf through the news at our leisure.
It would now take a rise above 121 just to break the downtrend (line b) that goes back to 1990.
She's been covering the funeral of Lady Bird Johnson there and has been kind enough to take a quick phone break just for us.
If you lose money on an investment, it will take a much greater return to just break even, let alone make additional money.
Fallon won four promotions in just over a decade with Histon and has chosen to take a break from football since leaving the club.
Take a look at the images below and our video demo just beyond the break.
ENGADGET: Samsung AllShare and AllShare Play with the Galaxy Note hands-on (video)
If all this talk of carbon fullerenes, RNA precursors and mass-giving bosons is hurting your head, take a break, run to the bathroom and find out just how much you pee.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 8.4.12: buckyballs, bosons and bodily fluids Alt
Take a tour of all three with us in video form, just below the break.
Lagat is ready for a long break, so he is going to take one just like he has every fall since 1999.
If state-run organ banks can't deliver enough organs, then the terminally ill will take risks and, if necessary, break laws to stay alive, even for just a few more months.
Take ONE pile and just ONE idea and this month just do that, so book a trip for spring break or Saturday night dinner reservations at the end of the month.
FORBES: De-clutter, Detox & De-dupe: a recipe for success in the new year
And that might sound like a lot, but when you take that number and break that down across precincts, that is just 36 votes per precinct.