But this would be a good way in these last few days just to push to make sure -- because you look over in those bins and you just sort of think, you know, the little kids, great, but, you know, if you're 11, you're still waiting for Santa, and you still want to make sure that they have something in the stocking.
And just think of the holiday photos you can post on Facebook afterwards.
And interesting that McCain said he started a list of, well, just about every name you could think of - 20 of them.
And just think of the possibilities if you are trying to raise money for an unfinanceable solar cell, windmill, electric car, biofuel, or battery company!
Representative DIANE WATSON (Democrat, California): If all the things I just spoke of you think were just fine and worked like they should, the regulations, then it's your total responsibility for the failure of Lehman Brothers.
My question is, how long do you think -- the kind of springboard from which you were just saying, how long do you think it would take for us to have more hybrid vehicles on the road than gas vehicles, and what would it take?
If you just think of the job, the money will automatically follow.
Just tell me what you think of all this.
FORBES: American Apparel's Hurricane Sandy Sale - Brilliant or Boneheaded?
The other thing is that there are so many transactions that he says were legitimate or he has an alternative version of reality for, you just think to yourself, well, the prosecution doesn't have to nail them on all of them.
Mr. COLEMAN: Well, I mean, there's just about anybody that you can think of.
We have engaged in very intensive discussions over a long period with the leadership of the TUC, with the individual schemes with the unions and I would just remind you that if you think we are not negotiating, just talk to the TUC about the intensiveness of the negotiations.
"When you look at a young woman and you think of the crime, and then you see the brutality of the crime, it just doesn't wash, " he said.
CNN: Arias trial jury foreman calls decision 'gut-wrenching'
But when you hear Mr. Yahya talk, what level of importance does this have I want to just ask specifically, you think, for the black community in terms of justice?
Just when you think Tod Machover has exhausted every musical concept you could think of, he admits he's plotting another.
It is just our way of showing you we think you're a regular guy.
So talk us through just how bad you think, how worried you are about the economy, first of all.
Since there are dozens upon dozens of enemies to fight, you can think about combat in the game as just a series of moving puzzles.
Sure, we know you think you are, but what if you're just a sub-feature of a complex computer program.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 10.13.12: is the Universe a simulation, cloning dinosaurs and singing mice
You don't have that kind of flexibility with IM, nor do I think should you - it's just the wrong medium for that kind of interaction.
ENGADGET: Interview with David E. Weekly, Founder of Coceve and www.IMsmarter.com
Just when you think the world is cleansed of the likes of Enron, along come panjandrums Madoff, Stanford, and Rajaratnam.
One, I think you have to look at the practical implications of the anger that you just spoke about.
And I think you heard me and others say that you can't just be the party of no or the party of no new ideas.
How -- and you just gave some issues, you just described what I think are things that you would describe as his legacy as the first chief of staff.
Is it that conservatives perhaps of such a distrust of the mainstream media that they just think that if you're telling it, I'm not believing it?
Online orders are being subject to shipping delays and, while you might think this is just another case of holiday supply versus demand, many are calling shenanigans.
ENGADGET: BlackBerry Storm shipments delayed due to apparent version glitch
And I just wanted to - which of those things do you think is true and also, Hannah, I want to hear from you on this too.
If you're using eBay, for example, Send Social not only protects your identity, but I think it's just an easier way of doing what you already do.
Now, you might think that just reducing the size of the stomach would be enough to sort out Bob's problems, because the smaller the stomach the less you eat.