And I was just intrigued when you switched to a different genre, whether that was something you wanted to be sure to carry forward, or is that just what you were drawn to?
And just to be sure, if you can't tell I'm pretty fired up and ready to go myself.
There's not word on pricing for the Pro Controller or whether the system will be released in both black and white just yet, but we'll be sure to bring you more details from the show floor at E3 when we have them.
ENGADGET: Nintendo teases Wii U Pro Controller, black Wii U hardware (update: video)
Just be sure to avoid having the conversions bump you into a higher bracket, which would defeat the whole purpose.
Either way, just as you diversify your stock investments, be sure to diversify your individual bonds as well, particularly in you go below investment grade.
You need to try and be solid and stable and make sure that you just hang in there, because you'll get chances.
We just try to make sure everything is better than you think it will be.
Of course, complete details are still fairly light at the moment, but the company is promising to unveil its first products in just two weeks, and you can be sure we'll be watching.
ENGADGET: Transphorm promises brickless laptop chargers, power savings aplenty
And that's why it's so important for everybody to be engaged in the various initiatives that are going to be coming up -- to make sure that what you just articulated, the need to invest in our kids, that that is reflected in terms of state budgets.
Just be sure to remove all the hard parts, such as wings and legs, before you use the adults.
But just as developers can use Android to build fresh apps for your smartphone, you can be sure that Google will allow developers to tinker with its glasses.
Sometimes new voters just need someone they know just to go along and make sure that they understand the process -- you could be that person for someone in your lives.
If you're able to delay your smartphone purchase just a bit, be sure to watch for our review of the One X.
But this would be a good way in these last few days just to push to make sure -- because you look over in those bins and you just sort of think, you know, the little kids, great, but, you know, if you're 11, you're still waiting for Santa, and you still want to make sure that they have something in the stocking.
Make sure to take plenty of water with you, as the heat can be just as overwhelming as the sights.
And just in case you need to lighten up a little after checking in with all of the ponderous pundits, be sure to take another look at The Onion's BlackBerry Service Shutdown infographic.
Just be sure not to sacrifice liquidity and control for a percentage point or two, as it may come back to bite you.
If you're digitizing all your paper (and finally removing it from your office), you're going to want to be sure your documents are backed up and not just on your external drive.
Of course, his parents could have just shipped him over Amsterdam to remedy the issue, but if you're interested in seeing the outcome yourself, be sure to hit up the Vital Theater Company in New York City from now until April 22nd.