This is the best fare you can get, and seven hundred francs, just to remind you, is fourteen dollars.
Just to remind you (needless I am sure), the current convention is that banks need in general to hold equity capital equivalent to around 10% of their loans.
But perhaps more importantly - and at the risk of repeating myself - they make the risks of lending much more transparent to the actual providers of credit, which (just to remind you) would be you and me.
You guys, I just want to remind you, this is an extraordinary moment in our history.
And for those of you who were so excited two years ago, I just want to remind you this.
And I just want to remind you of this, because we're having this budget debate in Washington right now.
I'm just trying to remind you that any dramatic market run-up is going to skew your sector weightings, which in turn will compound any damage when prices retreat.
And on the broader point about capitalism and our support for it, I just want to remind you that yesterday General Motors announced that it would hire 4, 200 workers at 17 of its plants around the country.
And so what I want to do is just remind people, if you go to -- -- that will give you an entire toolkit for how you can sign up for service in your communities.
And that's part of what we want to change, as well, and you've just got to remind seniors that there are a lot of their family members who deserve the same kind of security that they have.
Flying solo this Valentine's Day is a perfect opportunity to remind yourself just how much you love being you!
And if you think that this represents some vast leap in premium prices, I would hasten to remind you that, just two years ago, Wisconsin health insurance companies sought a 17.2 percent, year to year increase in the average premium charge for individual policies in Wisconsin.
But when you're talking to the folks in Arkansas you also have to remind them what works is not just going back and doing the same things that we were doing before.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats
MS. PSAKI: I have a couple of quick things that you may have seen but just to remind everyone.
We have engaged in very intensive discussions over a long period with the leadership of the TUC, with the individual schemes with the unions and I would just remind you that if you think we are not negotiating, just talk to the TUC about the intensiveness of the negotiations.
She also said it's helpful to remind yourself that you're not a bad mother, you likely just have a vivid imagination.