It's just too bad he hadn't invented the backfire flame arrestor.
And if the new bug does not like the environment in which it has to exist to live well, that will be just too darn bad.
As a rule, the bigger and scarier bear markets have been, the bigger the floodgates have opened toward this sentiment--this view that the new problems are just too big and bad to overcome.
The message from this week's campaign on that can be summed up in just two words: too bad.
Meanwhile, although overall inflation is ticking higher, when you remove food and energy costs from the equation, the number just isn't too bad.
So, hopefully, as long as it doesn't blow up overnight and get too bad, it will just be a couple days.
Too bad that Connexion was scrapped just when things are looking up for future-thinking fliers, but maybe, just maybe we finally can all throw out the ages-old argument of cellphones being dangerous for use in flight.
ENGADGET: Ryanair, Qantas (finally) adding in-flight calling!
If the chance comes - Ryan's got a niggle, but I don't think it's too bad - I've just got to put in a decent performance and have my name in the hat for the games to come.
We don't want you to trip in a trial, so we're just going to put you on the team and too bad for everybody else that they're not as fast as you.
The implication, presumably, was that more openness on Facebook would bring more good serendipity, but it just raised the question of whether bad things might happen too.
"But it's not just bad things - there are good things to celebrate too, " she says to explain the inclusion of sporting events planned for seven years from now.
Memories came flooding back too, including many bad ones - of friends "who just vanished" or took their own lives, and the many horrendous sights on the battlefield.
Not too bad, the candidate might reflect, considering that his campaign is just three weeks old.
Too bad Trump didn't leave a number where to be reached just in case on a remote day Forbes changed his mind.
Just as before, the cause is bad economic policy and bad central banking, too many rescue packages and too much printing of money.
FORBES: Buy Now, Pay Later: How the Fed's Tinkering Created A Global Crisis
"All I can look forward to is the next competition coming up, and I just have to accept that I have a silver medal and that's not too bad, " she said.
She didn't even look at me, which is too bad because I'm sure we could be BFF if she'd just give me a chance.
Just like the scene after a bad car accident, people want to get close, but not too close.
FORBES: Reaction To Penn State And Sandusky Scandal Similar To Serious Car Crash
The one thing which I think would be a bad idea would be just to let it all drift along as it has done, for too long I think, without facing up to the issues of university finance, which are very important.