Keene says the security hawks want Rudy Giuliani, but he's too liberal on social issues for other Republicans.
Luann Udell of Keene, NH, used just that method when her son, Doug, was 12.
As the sentence was passed Keene lowered his head and wiped tears from his eyes.
Dole "starts ahead of the other candidates, " said David Keene, president of the American Conservative Union.
" Keene's response: "Until the day I die, because I'll keep touching it up.
Mr. DAVID KEENE (Chairman, American Conservative Union): There's a great deal of dissatisfaction out there with the current choices.
American Conservative Union President David Keene has referred to the problem in a recent column.
Keene said he also does not believe Congress will pass a ban on high-capacity magazines.
Keene later told CNN the group supports schools choosing whether they want armed guards.
Mr Keene, of Bath, denies murder but has admitted manslaughter on the grounds of loss of self-control.
On Thursday, Keene took questions about LaPierre's statements, which were heavily criticized, even by some NRA members.
"But I don't think when conservatives look at John McCain, it is simply his voting record, " Keene says.
To argue otherwise "denies the tragedy at Columbine, " NEA President Dennis Van Roekel told CNN, reacting to Keene's interview.
"We are mobilizing for a fight, " said National Rifle Association President David Keene.
"Most of the guns that are purchased at a gun show are purchased from federal firearms-licensed holders, " Keene said.
Keene has also told CNN that he does not support instituting background checks for purchases at gun shows.
The prospect of financial reward for anyone coming forward with accusations was no secret to teenage males in Keene, N.
Mr Keene arrived home at 22:30 BST having drunk eight bottles of beer and a bottle of lager and cider.
He later realised there was a message on his mobile phone that was an argument between Mr Keene and his partner.
"She said 'bring my baby back now, you will never take my baby away from me, come back now', " Mr Keene said.
David Keene, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, however, feels vindicated.
Paul Keene, 32, strangled Carmen Gabriela Miron-Buchacra, 28, in a drink-fuelled rage.
Keene has white hair, blue eyes, and an air of plainspoken geniality.
The NRA's board includes Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, and David Keene, former chairman of the American Conservative Union.
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of David Keene.
Keene organised the London matches of the third series between the players in 1985, which took place both in the UK and Leningrad.
Mr. KEENE: And therefore, the emergence of another choice at this time or a prospective emergence is something that interests an awful lot of Republican voters.
Keene couldn't use regular paint because the sun and the elements would ruin it, so he used gold-leaf metals in blue, gold and green.
But NRA president David Keene suggested to CNN's Candy Crowley that he has little faith in universal background checks, saying they don't work.
Mitt Romney is nice, says Keene, but nice doesn't really get your heart pumping, and some distrust his switch on issues like abortion and stem cell research.